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Mike Csortos
Pallbearer Bridge
The Grim Reaper has gone rogue. No longer satisfied letting circumstance and opportunity determine which souls to plunder, the alumni from Dale Grubbin High School have been targeted. The reaper has been busy with its nasty deeds. But not all are willing to succumb without a fight. The ensuing race to discover the cause of the terrible deaths forces an assemblage of individuals on a supernatural rollercoaster that leaves them breathless and questioning the significance of faith and the finality of death.
Plot/Idea: 9 out of 10
Originality: 8 out of 10
Prose: 9 out of 10
Character/Execution: 9 out of 10
Overall: 8.75 out of 10


Plot/Idea: Pallbearer Bridge is a tense and involving suspense thriller with well-developed characters, expert pacing, and a gripping plot focused on the fates of Dale Grubbin High School alumni. Csortos has a penchant for building tension, mystery, and dread in a dark and brooding narrative.

Prose: Csortos's bold use of language creates a morbid, absorbing, and evocative atmosphere throughout Pallbearer Bridge. He makes brilliant use of description, creating an eerie and compelling backdrop for the story to unfold.

Originality: Pallbearer Bridge contains undoubted shades of classic horror, while providing its own distinctive blend of supernatural elements and character-driven storytelling. 

Character/Execution: Pallbearer Bridge benefits from excellently crafted characters and confidently written and believable dialogue. Csortos's involving writing style gives the reader a real sense of character motivation and the many strands of the story are weaved together expertly.

Date Submitted: May 04, 2024

