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Ebook Details
  • 07/2024
  • 978-1-958906-09-5 B0D913JWCH
  • 326 pages
  • $4.99
Paperback Details
  • 07/2024
  • 978-1-958906-08-8
  • 326 pages
  • $15.95
Dale Lehman
Normal is dead. Humanity has all but perished in a tidal wave of lethal violence, overwhelmed by a mysterious disease that drives its victims mad. Thrown together in the chaos, Will and Jesse, a white New York financial manager and a young black man struggling to make ends meet, flee the carnage in search of safety. But safe no longer exists in a world where monsters stalk the land in human skins and the sane must kill to protect themselves. Death haunts cities and towns, farms and fields, even remote mountainsides. Yet life endures in unlikely places, and as Will and Jesse confront their new world and themselves, a glimmer of hope emerges. For they've picked up an unlikely pair of companions, an old scientist and a brilliant teenage girl. Together, the quartet might stand a chance but for one thing: the old man swings between sanity and madness, and as civilization struggles to reemerge, they must hide his condition...and the terrible truth behind it.
Plot/Idea: 6 out of 10
Originality: 6 out of 10
Prose: 7 out of 10
Character/Execution: 7 out of 10
Overall: 6.50 out of 10


Plot/Idea: After a mysterious, violent disease all but destroys humanity, an unlikely duo of New Yorkers flee the city and try to navigate the 'new' world–complete with heartbreak, redemption, and the possible rebuilding of the human race.

Prose: Lehman's prose is descriptive and captures the relationship between two strangers at the end of the world in a thoughtful manner. However, at times, he does lose the reader's interest with excessive prose that throws off the pace of the action.

Originality: A plague of violence that destroys all but the dregs of humanity is not an original storyline–though there are no zombies or respiratory diseases here. But despite its somewhat familiar plot, Lehman still manages to create an entertaining, largely fast-paced, read.

Character/Execution: The two main characters, Will and Jesse, are the heart of Penitence, and their relationship is largely well written. The supporting cast–whether fleeting encounters or more permanent companions–also adds depth and helps to break up the (sometimes grating) monotony of Will and Jesse's conversations and petty arguments.

Date Submitted: June 27, 2024

Ebook Details
  • 07/2024
  • 978-1-958906-09-5 B0D913JWCH
  • 326 pages
  • $4.99
Paperback Details
  • 07/2024
  • 978-1-958906-08-8
  • 326 pages
  • $15.95
