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Paperback Book Details
  • 01/2017
  • 9780995292109
  • 322 pages
  • $20.95
Nicholas Kinsey
Playing Rudolf Hess: An Imposter Story
An imposter and espionage thriller. In 1973 the aging Nazi war criminal Rudolf Hess was taken from Spandau Prison to the British Military hospital in Berlin for a medical examination attended by specialists from the four Allied powers. Dr. Terry supervised the X-rays and was shocked to discover that the prisoner had no scarring on his chest. The real Rudolf Hess had been shot through the left lung in Romania in 1917 and had large scars on his chest. Terry decided to investigate, and ran into an MI5 officer, Paul Cummings, whose job was to discourage such efforts. In a Berlin 'Biergarten,' Cummings threatened Terry with the Official Secrets Act and revealed his own relationship with the man. He told Terry how Hess had parachuted into Scotland in 1941 and was interrogated by the secret services who, in short order, completely debunked his story. MI5 put together a team of intelligence officers to investigate the Hess double led by Cummings and his German wife, Claudia. They put the man under intense surveillance at Mytchett House in Surrey and later at Maindiff Court in Abergavenny, Wales where Cummings learned the story of his recruitment and training by the SS.
Amazon Reviews

"Makes history come alive like a thriller. Perhaps I'm a history fan - and definitely a lover of intelligent thrillers - so "Playing Rudolf Hess" captures both my likes. What's best is that it is a very enjoyable read, one that gets you inside the story/history without bogging down as many such books do. Instead, you are caught up in the drama that was real-life life or death for Britain, with author Nicholas Kinsey intelligently filling in those gaps where only some speculation can find room (since the historical records have kept so much of it in the dark). 5-stars, Amazon review, March 2017.

"Was he an imposter. Interesting, fast-moving and leaves one wondering." , 5-stars, Amazon review, February 2017


Journalist Nuremberg

"Hess looks crazy now. The sickest man one ever saw. Born to burn at any stake for any cause that happens to come along. He has a round, bald patch like a monk's on the top of his head. I gazed into those enormous black pupils, the eyes of a fanatic, cavernous in that emaciated, grey-white face," Journalist, Nuremberg 1946.

Paperback Book Details
  • 01/2017
  • 9780995292109
  • 322 pages
  • $20.95
