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Ebook Details
  • 08/2024
  • 9798990429550 B0DF5VD91Q
  • 47 pages
  • $0.99
Paperback Details
  • 08/2024
  • 9798990429543 B0DF5JYKQM
  • 47 pages
  • $3.99
Edward Brown
Author, Illustrator
Poetry and Allegory from the Land Beyond the Crystal Sea
A small pamphlet of poetry and allegorical vignettes that critically look at reality, and our place in it. Knowledgeable and creative storytelling that's not afraid to stretch the boundaries of reality and spirituality. A postcard or calling card of the author!
Book Review by Christina K., Media Arts and Operations

A nice chapbook that showcases the author's talent and literary skills.  The poetry and allegories reflect a talent that is already evident in his novels - that of a knowledgable and creative storyteller who's not afraid to stretch the boundaries of reality and spirituality. 

Book Review by Janet B., Literary Accounting and Management

A great look at some of the other literary styles that emanate from an author noted for novels of creative fiction! Poetry and allegorical vignettes in an utterly unique manner!  It's rare that such a pamphlet would contain detailed references in endnotes to support the curious storyline.  But this book breaks the mold.  Definitely worth an hour or two of your time!

Book Review by Russell B., Literary and Arts Analyst

Extremely interesting short stories that leave you thinking at the end.  I was entertained and even learned a thing or two.  Highly recommended.

New Release! Now Available - A Cozy Chapbook of Poetry and Allegory

A small booklet (known by some as a chapbook) such as this, is meant to showcase the skills, creativity, and insightfulness of the author - and this book does just that, and then some.

Containing a single 2-part poem and two allegorical vignettes (known by some as flash fiction), Edward N Brown has created a book that reflects his "outside-the-box" thinking about reality, and our place in it. 

News from the Author

I hope you enjoy reading this little book as much as I did writing it.  I wanted to stretch my style and approach, but keep true to my core values of faith and belief.  So, if you like it, take a look at my published novels and collections of short stories.  They're all related to history and Christianity - and will leave you wanting to know more about the secrets and untold truths that are lying just outside the mainstream. Grab an easychair, turn on the light, and dive in.  You'll be amazed at what you discover!


Ebook Details
  • 08/2024
  • 9798990429550 B0DF5VD91Q
  • 47 pages
  • $0.99
Paperback Details
  • 08/2024
  • 9798990429543 B0DF5JYKQM
  • 47 pages
  • $3.99
