Pulling Wings From Butterflies: Tercio De Varas
Capt. Mike Simkins, author
Adult; Other Nonfiction; (Market)
This is a true story that the entire aviation industry in the UK and the USA don’t want to be told.
Captain Mike Simkins refused to place his passengers and crews lives in danger when he was instructed by senior airline managers to perform a duty that would have resulted in him operating at the same effectiveness as that of a drunk driver.
Until now the full details could not be released. However, In a series of three volumes, ‘Pulling Wings From Butterflies’, exposes the damning relationship between airlines, unions, regulators and governments, in both the UK and USA, that allows airlines to ignore legislation that is in place to protect passengers and crew with apparent impunity.
Collectively, the trilogy of deception pulls back the heavy veil to expose the aviation industry mantra that ‘safety is our number one priority’ for what it is. Nothing more than PR to sell to the uninformed.
Blair Boyle Emirates Airbus 380 Training Capt.
I heartily endorse this book as a must-read not just for aspirant airline captains but anyone who enjoys a cracking good story. Jaw-dropping at times. Personally I can’t wait for the next two editions.
Karlene Petitt ( CNN contributor)
The most powerful aviation book of the year. When a pilot stands for safety and ends up in court. The real fight is his fight for the safety of his passages worldwide.