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Ebook Details
  • 03/2022
  • 979-8-88622-088-9
  • 692 pages
  • $2.99
Paperback Details
  • 03/2022
  • 979-8-88622-087-2
  • 692 pages
  • $17.99
L. A. Espriux
Reflections in a Paper Moon: Beginning Passage

Adult; Memoir; (Publish)

This book describes experiences growing up in the 1950s rural South. Through personal conflict and ambiguous identity, it is the life of one forced at an early age into an incompatible role that leads to joining the United States Marine Corps, later returning from the jungles of Vietnam a promoted Sergeant and decorated man of war. I remember as a child being told "little boys are made of snips, snails and puppy dog tails". Because of these early conflicts, this author now shares greater vision. It is not as we are made by the world, but what this world truly made of. There is a special satisfaction of completion in writing an autobiography unlike any other genre. In one sense, it represents the opportunity to set the record straight, a first person narrative perspective on time and events experienced through a generation. But also it is to be exposed, like striping away ones clothing piece by piece and making bare the pretense of self importance. To tell one's own story is as much embarrassing, as it is cathartic, a confessional made public for all to judge. Sometimes the hero of a challenge; sometimes the villain--but always trials and elations based on conditions altogether human within context. Times when heaven brought down to earth through hunger of diminished appetite; and times fulfilled by heavenly blessing. Often an experience humbling when confronted by human weakness, human compassion, and the measure of divine grace. Herein lies the corundum of mortal existence. Remove indoctrination of socialization, definitions of gender, context of cultural values, then what is left? Are we only the sum of our experiences during this short sojourn? Are we merely the handful of earth and thimble of water that makes our biological whole in a fleetingly vast recyclable ocean recorded through a calculated number of lunar cycles? It is the chameleon visage of this familiar moonscape witnessed above, both lovely and frighteningly mysterious, which most haunts the living through constant passage. Mountains and valleys of changing contour, faces I remember, some present, some gone, captured in imaginings of light and shadow subliminal, all Reflections in a Paper Moon
Hollywood Reviews

Publication date

March 09,2022




979-8-88622-087-2 (Paperback)

979-8-88622-089-6 (Hardback)

979-8-88622-088-9 (E-BOOK)




Reviewed by: Jack Chambers


Hollywood Book Reviews One of the best ways for a person or group of people to grow together is to go through a period of self-reflection. By reflecting on recent actions or choices in our lives, or the events of our lives thus far, we are able to better understand how we got to the position that we have found ourselves in, and able to look ahead at how to best come to terms with those choices. As Frederick Douglass once said, “A battle lost or won is easily described, understood, and appreciated, but the moral growth of a great nation requires reflection, as well as observation, to appreciate it.” In author L.A. Espriux’s Reflections in a Paper Moon Volume 1: Beginning Passage, the author shares his autobiography of growing up in the rural South in the 1950’s. The author explores the complexities of life and growing up within his unique family dynamic. Through detailed memories and poetic language, the author takes readers on a truly intimate and personal journey through their own lives, from the inner dialogues and feelings that they experienced in those moments to the physical experiences which took the young man into the Vietnam War and back. The author did such an incredible job of interweaving such exquisite detail into the memories that made up their story with artful and beautiful language which brought the author’s stories to life. The author’s experiences as a poet really have translated well into this autobiography, as the imagery and emotional connection the author makes between the narrative of their life and the more thought-provoking passages that examine some of the greater themes of the book. The introspective way the author examines their own time during not only their younger years but the Vietnam War as well was so unique and personal. The stark contrast in views on soldiers during the war made young men either into heroes of their nation or villains of the world, depending on how you asked, and reading the author’s story showcased the internal struggle that was made after the author’s return home, crafting a fantastic yet heartbreaking narrative at times. This is the perfect read for those who enjoy biographies, memoirs and autobiographies. This is especially a great read for those who enjoy non-fiction stories that examine the Vietnam War, living in the rural South during the 50s, and how moments of faith and reflection have impacted a person’s psyche years after traumatic or momentous events. As someone who enjoys these genres, it was fascinating to read the author’s story intermixed with the poetic nature of the writing overall. A remarkable, thoughtful, and engaging autobiography, author L.A. Espriux’s “Reflections in a Paper Moon Volume 1: Beginning Passage” is a must-read nonfiction title that everyone should get their hands on. The heartfelt delivery of the author’s story and the stylistic approach to themes of war, childhood, and the events that shape our thought process as a youth versus who we evolve into once we allow ourselves to grow and learn, the narrative felt detailed yet vibrant and full of life, just as the author was


Los Angeles Time Festival of Books 2022

April 23 and Sunday April 24 for the Los Angeles Times Festival of Books featuring indoor and outdoor events, hundreds of exhibitor booths, author signings, performances, and free activities.  The book by author L. A. Espriux, Reflections in a Paper Moon Volume 1 Beginning Passage Published by Page Turner Print and Media and sponsored by Ganpi Media Canada will be a devu to an audience interested in history and determination of personal will to overcome challenge.  This well written novel is this and much more, with potential to elevate the reader to greater apprehension of life's greater meaning. Recommended to all readers.  

Ebook Details
  • 03/2022
  • 979-8-88622-088-9
  • 692 pages
  • $2.99
Paperback Details
  • 03/2022
  • 979-8-88622-087-2
  • 692 pages
  • $17.99
