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Hardcover Book Details
  • 05/2024
  • 9798218431228
  • 182 pages
  • $24.00
E.M. Schorb
Resurgius, a Sex Comedy
E.M. Schorb, author

            Serge Bering-Strait, a young poet living with his activist mother and aunties has just been employed as copywriter for “Women’s Omnibus” magazine. His boss is out to deflower him.  On the sly, he’s writing Resurgius, a novel set in a universe governed by women, where the Dongs are in revolt. Serge would rather remain in his garret room writing poetry, but his mother and his aunties have insisted that it’s unnatural being a recluse at twenty-three. Serge’s boss, Bettina Battle, the “Battle of Britain,” as she is called by her underlings, hails from “Swinging London”—the magazine as well as the city.  Serge becomes the object of unwanted sexual advances from his lady boss.  It shatters this young, shy, poet.  He has spent his life under the thumbs of five very tough, aggressive women and the additional pressure from Editor Battle, out to deflower him, brings him to a crossroads.

            Serge has only one ally in this struggle:  Juanna Donna Lorca, his childhood transexual nanny-cum family housekeeper, who is partial to flamenco dresses.  Through the process of writing his novel called Resurgius, and with the help of his transgender friend, Serge, who has been taught by his dominating female family to pee sitting down, stands up for himself, at last.

Hardcover Book Details
  • 05/2024
  • 9798218431228
  • 182 pages
  • $24.00
