Plot/Idea: Savage To Savvy is a tense and gripping psychological thriller with a fearless and innovative storyline. The story's intriguing premise, which is based on the rehabilitation of a dog-reared feral child, unravels at a steady and consistently captivating pace, emboldened by strong and intriguing central characters.
Prose: Rigby's text is imbued with a deep knowledge of psychological issues which help shape the clinical atmosphere of her novel. Her meticulous attention to detail amplifies the medical surroundings allowing Nicki's incredible story to truly sparkle.
Originality: Savage To Savvy is a stark and revealing psychological drama with strong central characters and a provocative plot. It deftly explores the doctor-patient dynamic in an extremely resonant and affecting manner.
Character/Execution: Rigby's central characters, psychology graduate Heidi Harper and the dog-reared feral child Nicki, are equally fascinating and well-developed. In addition, supporting characters, such as the Professor, are convincingly realized and believable.
Blurb: A bold and engrossing psychological thriller.
Date Submitted: August 26, 2024