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Paperback Book Details
  • 01/2020
  • 9781657134072 1657134075
  • 50 pages
  • $10.00
Erica Ramey
Author, Editor (anthology)
Secretly into Chocolate
Erica Ramey, author
Have you ever craved someone you knew you had no business involving yourself with? Like you knew they were off limits too you but yet there was still that suspicion within you that needed to see what it was about. Secretly into Chocolate is about people who know they're off limits to someone but the suspicion drives them to still involve themselves with one another to the point feelings evolve but nothing can be done about it because the two hearts have to be a mystery to everyone else. In these poems I put myself into these circumstances and empathize with stories people have brought to me. Who are you craving that is off limits?

Dope poetry from an even doper soul! These poems will have you day dreaming about that person. You know, the one that isn't right for you and you know it, but you keep getting drawn back to, time after time. So treat yourself to this book, pour yourself a glass of wine, get some smooth jams playing and spend the night reading these Lady Elegance poems 💗👑


I bought the paperback version of the book about 2 months ago but wanted to leave my review once I finished it. It took me awhile to finish it because some of the poems were so relatable to my life that I had to stop read it again and ponder on it. It will suck you in and make you feel like you have a connection to the author as if you’ve known her your whole life. The book is filled with 44 different poems each different but somehow related to each other. I give this book 10/10 and recommend it to everyone. I can’t wait to purchase the rest of her books!!


There’s not many books that’ll keep my attention at best, but, “Secretly Into Chocolate” is one that kept me interested and definitely is in my top 5 books I’d read in 2020 that’ll I’ll recommend and person or book group to read!


Great read. Highly recommend, very poetic and personable. Definitely something to pick up and enjoy on a nice evening with glass of wine

Paperback Book Details
  • 01/2020
  • 9781657134072 1657134075
  • 50 pages
  • $10.00
