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Ebook Details
  • 02/2023
  • 300 pages
  • $3.99
Melina Druga
Sexual Awakening (The Rock Star's Wife #1)
Melina Druga, author

Adult; Romance; (Publish)

Teenager Cassandra Economos loves five things: Her awesome friends. Her big fat, dysfunctional, Greek family. Rock music. Her plan to move to Chicago. And Kurt Cobain. Soon, she’ll gain another love. Sex. Stifled by her family’s rules, how will Cassie explore her sexuality?
Reader's Favorite

Melina Druga presents the journal entries of Cassandra Economos in Sexual Awakening. The first book in The Rock Star’s Wife series begins with Cassandra's first interest in boys and sex at the age of fourteen. Living in a traditional Greek family, most of her relatives are neighbors and work in a restaurant in Sterling, Illinois. Cassandra’s sister Vanessa has been secretly meeting with her boyfriend, which is against the family rules. Cassandra covers for her sister and eventually chooses to date Keith in secret. After discovering Keith’s infidelity, Cassandra meets Todd and eventually has sex with him. When Todd graduates and is headed to law school, she tries to break off their relationship despite Todd professing his love for her. Cassandra continues to date while frustrating her parents with her pro-choice and anti-marriage views. The journal entries stop when Cassandra faces a major dilemma in her life.

Melina Druga creates a realistic view from the perspective of a teenager with Cassandra’s writing. Her actions are typical of the rebellious adolescent who lacks parental supervision. Out of all the people Cassandra dates, I liked Todd the most. He genuinely considered Cassandra’s feelings and never pressured her into doing anything she didn’t want to do. Her parents kept using Vanessa as a warning to Cassandra. Her cousin Maroula seems to operate in another universe. Socially, she is awkward and Cassandra tends to avoid mixing with her. The high school activities and interactions are realistic. I could easily imagine the rumors and ridicule that take place between teenage cliques. Every character is well-developed. I look forward to the sequel to see what direction Cassandra picks next. I recommend Sexual Awakening to readers who enjoy realistic stories involving young adults who are finding their paths.

Ebook Details
  • 02/2023
  • 300 pages
  • $3.99
