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Paperback Details
  • 05/2024
  • 979-8-89316-101-4 B0D4R64GLC
  • 188 pages
  • $9.99
Ebook Details
  • 06/2024
  • 979-8-89316-102-1 B0CZP7BW6Z
  • 152 pages
  • $0.99
Tracy Adams
She Sweeps Her Dirt: Having A Grateful Heart
Tracy Adams, author

Book Synopsis:
Discover how having a grateful heart can strengthen your relationship with Christ and bring a little bit of Heaven to Earth. "She Sweeps Her Dirt" is a literary work that includes 186 passages to help you journey towards a grateful heart and overcome barriers to gratitude. The author has done an excellent job of exploring the deeper meaning of many of these passages, often by studying the original Hebrew and Greek texts.
During a mission trip to South Africa, I witnessed a poignant moment. An African woman was outside her small, meager home, sweeping the dirt with a handmade broom. Though the moment was fleeting, I’ll never forget it. Although she had very little regarding material possessions, she worked diligently to improve what she possessed. What causes someone to appreciate and care for what they have, even when it’s very little? One word—gratitude.
Chapter 1 - From the Heart
We are on this Earth until God decides to call us home. We can choose to spend our earthly days following Him and be grateful for all He does for us, or we can choose to grumble and complain. See why we need Jesus to be our Shepherd.
Chapter 2 - God’s Blessing
When we trust in Jesus, the Holy Spirit indwells us. Once the Holy Spirit abides in us, and as we abide in God’s written word, we come to know God’s truth, building our relationships with Him. As our relationships build, our desires begin to align with His desires, and we see His blessings upon our lives. Discover the makeup of man and learn about building and strengthening your relationship with God through worshipping in spirit and truth.
Chapter 3 - Answered Prayers
Prayer strengthens our relationship with God. Prayer does not have to be elegant or formal. Be specific in your prayers, and don’t use general terms. Prayers can be cries from the heart. See the importance of sharing and giving thanks for answered prayers.
Chapter 4 - Barriers to Gratitude
Thankfulness flows out of our relationship with God. Focus on what God graciously gives you, and thank Him daily. Be mindful of distractions that can take our focus away from God, such as materialism, comparison, pride, and busyness. Discover how these barriers are sometimes hard to recognize in ourselves.
Chapter 5 - Comparison
God has designed a unique purpose and plan for each of us, and it’s essential to focus on fulfilling that plan rather than worrying about what God has planned for others. Comparison takes our eyes off God and brings us down emotionally. How we take care of things we are entrusted with here on Earth will determine our rewards in Heaven. Avoid the pit of comparison. Focus on God and avoid an attitude of entitlement. Be grateful for all God’s blessings. Rejoice with others as God blesses them. Always keep God first, and never let anything become an idol in your life. Find your identity in Jesus Christ. Learn what Jesus says about the concept of Little and Much.
Chapter 6 - God Hates Grumbling
Be mindful of your words and how they reflect upon your faith. Grumbling shows ingratitude. Express your heart to God and ask Him to help you through your discouragement and discontent. Rely on Him to guide you through your current circumstances. Reflect and remember all the blessings you have received from God in the past. Take a lesson from the Israelites and learn how grumbling causes forgetfulness.
Chapter 7 - Beware of Pride
Pride draws us away from God and leads to ingratitude and destruction. The proud push God aside. The proud are controlling and cause both internal and external conflict to those around them. Self-reflect on the subtle signs of pride: finding faults, having a harsh spirit, being shallow, being easily offended, having self-confidence before God, being desperate for attention, and overlooking others. Pride is a heart issue. Not all pride is sinful. Learn to detect pride in your life and discover the downfalls of the Devil’s sin.
Chapter 8 - Thorns
View your thorns as guidance, not punishment from God. Thorns get our attention; a thorn can transform us and our relationship with God. The thorns given to us are meant to make us stronger. Thorns are intended to strengthen us through reliance and dependence upon God. Find the positive in the thorn. Learn how a thorn shows you who you really are in Christ.
Chapter 9 - Finding the Positive
We have a God who loves us and is in complete control. No, things don’t always turn out as we would like. Ask God to show you and help you see the good in all situations. Thank God that He is in control and already knows the outcome. Attitude is a choice; strive to have a good one! Find the positive. Discover how to find the good in every day.
Chapter 10 - Living Sacrifice
As Christians, we are called to be living sacrifices in response to all God has done for us. Our focus should be on pleasing God by following His written word. By studying God’s word, we begin to see the world through His eyes, thus changing how we think. See how Jesus discerns our hearts and why we shouldn’t just go through the motions.
Chapter 11 - Humility
Humility is the recognition of yourself in relation to God. To be humble, we must recognize our spiritual bankruptcy. We are to be meek, which is power under control. Exercise God’s strength in your life under His control, not yours. Meekness is a divinely balanced virtue that can only operate through faith. Find true meekness, and you will know true joy. Learn the characteristics of humility.
Chapter 12 - Success
Success is doing what God has sent you here to do. We succeed by following Jesus, meditating on God’s word, and allowing the Holy Spirit to guide our paths. Step out in faith, even when it does not make sense, and move as God directs you; this takes courage. Don’t let human knowledge get in the way of God’s wisdom. Discover why David was successful and what it takes to be after God’s heart.
Chapter 13 - Be an Encourager
Be an encourager to others. The discouraged tend to isolate themselves from others and become a target for Satan. Encouraging and lifting up others encourages us as well. Some need encouragement to move away from sin. Have a pure heart as you encourage. You will gain trust as you listen and empathize with others in their discouragement. Learn how to be an encourager from the Son of Encouragement, Barnabas.
Chapter 14 - Sweep Your Dirt
We all have dirt in our lives. So, what is your dirt? What is it in your life, your dirt, that you need to appreciate, take care of, take ownership of, and nurture? Remember to sweep your dirt, be grateful for it, and always find the good in all things. Take care of the precious things that life has to offer. Have a grateful heart, and sweep your dirt every day

Paperback Details
  • 05/2024
  • 979-8-89316-101-4 B0D4R64GLC
  • 188 pages
  • $9.99
Ebook Details
  • 06/2024
  • 979-8-89316-102-1 B0CZP7BW6Z
  • 152 pages
  • $0.99
