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paperback Details
  • 12/2023
  • 1738233707
  • 343 pages
  • $14.99
Winston Rowntree
Shirley Estar Goes to Heaven
In the far future, Shirley Estar is the most terrifying killer in the galaxy, more alone than the stars, but she wasn't always that way. This is the story of a nanotechnology-enhanced society that left Earth to rebuild itself in a better way, and the girl who got left behind, and the terrible things she did, and the lives she took, and how she somehow ends up in paradise in the arms of her one true love... and what happens after that. An often-disturbing character study, and an examination of alienation and morality and choice and the ways people change, you haven't read anything like Shirley Estar Goes to Heaven
Plot/Idea: 9 out of 10
Originality: 9 out of 10
Prose: 9 out of 10
Character/Execution: 9 out of 10
Overall: 9.00 out of 10


Plot/Idea: Shirley Estar is known for being the most ruthless and accomplished killers in the galaxy and usually goes on her missions solo. As she lived alone on Earth, Shirley did all she could to survive, and now faces a reckoning. Rowntree creates a story that is always moving forward, tinged with absurdity, and that revolves around a strong and intriguingly flawed protagonist.

Prose: Rowntree strikes a unique tone and uses a vernacular that sets the futuristic and fantastical world apart. The prose has an arresting lyricism and is infused with a surprising degree of emotion.

Originality: With a strong hook and a well-realized futuristic society, Shirley Estar Goes to Heaven offers suspense, twists, unexpected reveals, and deceit. Shirley's character drives the originality of the story and makes it one that is memorable and captivating.

Character/Execution: Rowntree succeeds in creating a morally gray yet deeply relatable heroine whose past as an intergalactic criminal shapes her sense of self. The narrative offers profound insights on the trappings of our identities and examines whether any of us are truly capable of change.


Date Submitted: April 30, 2024

paperback Details
  • 12/2023
  • 1738233707
  • 343 pages
  • $14.99
