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Poornima Manco
Six - Strange Stories of Love
What does love really mean, and could we survive without it? Love can take on many forms, each as unique as the individuals who experience it. In this collection of stories, the multiple hues of love are brought to life in vibrant detail. Discover the unlikely love of outcastes who find each other in unexpected ways, the hesitant hope of an evening's encounter that could blossom into something more, and the raw emotion of a woman still grieving for her mother. From the mundane to the supernatural, these stories offer a captivating exploration of love’s various incarnations. Through the heights of romantic passion, the depths of unrequited longing, and the complexity of familial devotion, each tale is a reminder that love is both fragile and enduring; a powerful force that shapes our lives in countless ways. Unwrap a world of flavour and fantasy: the perfect mix of sweetness and storytelling! Trigger warnings: Mental health, suicide, death.
