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Someday for Sarah the love life of a WWII Spy
The story opens in the fall of 1940 at Vassar College for Women. A very intelligent senior named Sarah is coerced into a blind date. Her date turns out to be a West Point cadet, She was an only child of German ancestral descent who always longed for a bigger family and used the term "someday' as her fulcrum. She spent her summers growing up in Germany and spoke the Germanic language fluently. After their graduation, he became a US Army Air Force pilot and she joined US Intelligence working for the British SOE. They married a few days before the attack on Pearl Harbor. The story then takes us to the horrors of WWII _ he is flying missions in Europe and she joins the SOS and becomes a spy working in Germany and France. It is the story of love and survival and the "Someday" Life Sarah has always yearned for throughout her life.
