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Ebook Details
  • 06/2024
  • 978-1-7367866-6-6 B0D3X4NF6N
  • 186 pages
  • $3.99
Something About Lizzy

Derbyshire, England, Summer 1826. In this highly immersive sequel to Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice, Sofia-Elisabete, the sixteen-year-old daughter of Colonel Fitzwilliam, is initiated into the idyllic, genteel world of her cousin-in-law, Elizabeth Darcy, mistress of Pemberley and mother of five. Lizzy, as she prefers to be called by her intimates, seems happily established in domestic country life and, naturally, still in love with Mr. Darcy. With beguiling candor, Sofia narrates how the two ladies quickly become close friends—despite the misgivings of Sofia’s father. Soon, however, Sofia witnesses the trials of parenthood and signs of simmering conflict in Lizzy’s traditional marriage to Mr. Darcy. She senses that things are not quite right. The mystery deepens when there is gossip concerning a romantic connection between Lizzy and Sofia’s uncle, Lord Scapeton, who has sorely wronged Sofia herself in the past. As the ladies’ lives and secrets intertwine that long, hot, sultry summer, Sofia suspects that Lizzy has betrayed Mr. Darcy. In the end, though, when Lord Scapeton nearly kills Lizzy by accident, Sofia discovers his lordship’s real power over the Darcys, and how the colonel then secretly and creatively helps to free the Darcys. “A clever continuation of Jane Austen's literary legacy, Something About Lizzy is an emotionally penned testament to female friendship and self-discovery.… [T]his novel laces surprisingly timely themes of empowerment, bullying, and open communication into a dazzling 19th-century drama with the understated eloquence of its source.” —Self-Published Review

Ebook Details
  • 06/2024
  • 978-1-7367866-6-6 B0D3X4NF6N
  • 186 pages
  • $3.99
