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Margaret Harrell
Space Encounters III: Inserting Consciousness into Collisions

Adult; Memoir; (Market)

Space Encounters III: Inserting Consciousness into Collisions - revised, expanded edition - investigates a host of unconscious principles operating on/in us all. As in a detective story, the result involves an undeveloped side of “chaotic-unfolding”—that through research, intuition, and channeled spirit work over decades, Harrell collected into a digested revelatory text, packed with the energy of the topic spilling out to the reader. So we live in a world filled with, beneath eye level, quantum particles. Have you ever wondered how that might look, practically speaking, in our history - playing out through historical figures and events? Investigating unconscious strands of connected "Event" bytes, or quanta, the Space Encounters series - put together as through the loom of Penelope - follows the voyage of the Earth itself through passages of the past (cast in modern light); at the docking point, some new principles, as well as reminders in biographies of the past, collide. Slowly, till able to recount the steps - as in a detective story - this ongoing pursuit breathtakingly lays down on the pages some of the principles operating, till now, unconsciously, throughout the Earth. Inherited (it must be stressed), rather than discovered single-handedly, it is reported, albeit tentatively, inside some mappings of the lives and ideas of famous figures who reveal the workings of this insight. Margaret A. Harrell thinks of herself more like the custodian of the development of the unfolding ideas in this work; or, on the other hand, Montaigne said: "I am coextensive with what I write." To open the book, Ron Whitehead, Lifetime US Beat Poet Laureate offers a poem. To conclude, Jef Crab, Taoist and Master Tai Chi teacher offers some specific-chapter analysis and personal insight aligning Space Encounters with Taoism and helping the reader integrate the material.
Jef Crab, Tai Chi master and Taoist

"Finally, a manual of the Universe but also connected to the deep psychology of the human being. In easy to grasp terms Margaret reveals insight into the processes that connect past, future and now; the quantum world with daily existence and seemingly superficial events with deep spirituality. The magic of this book is that it positions our place in the universe and our dream of life with much more clarity. A manual indeed.”

Ron Whitehead, US Lifetime Beat Poet Laureate

“This is a soul journey in and through and beyond space and time. All of Margaret A. Harrell’s books are connected, linked. They are her never ending life story. Her new book is plugged in, an electric shock, a wake up call for those bold and daring enough to take the wildly delightful adventure to the whirling ever changing source of all and everything."

