Space Village One is a science fiction and political thriller by Bob Price. I love the creation of this new world! It is just, and it caters to people’s needs, regardless of social status. It’s a world where equality is possible. The idea itself of having a space community like Space Village One is already fascinating, but the fact that someone running from her dangerous husband suddenly dwells in such a peaceful place, posing a threat to the community, makes this book a suspenseful read! I love Melissa’s character because of her courage, and because she took responsibility in protecting the village. But what intrigued me the most, is not knowing whether I should be scared of Buxton, Chadsworth, or both.
Overall, I’m giving this book 5 out of 5 stars. It tackles some of the most intense political, economic, and social issues: genocide, assassination attempts, domestic abuse, war, treason, inequality. I highly recommend this book to readers who love science fiction and political thriller.