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Ebook Details
  • 02/2023
  • 9798986983400 B0BWBXCCNH
  • 454 pages
  • $4.99
Paperback Details
  • 03/2023
  • 9798986983400 B0BPVLPGNB
  • 454 pages
  • $17.99
Gina Giordano
Strange Eden
Nassau, Bahamas, 1791… Eliza Sharpe, recently wed to a mysterious and brooding soldier, departs for the West Indies to begin her new life. Once there, she realizes that she has made a disastrous choice. Charles, the man she finds herself bound to, is nothing short of a monster, and the walls of her new home hide a dark family secret.
The first entry in Giordano’s tropical gothic series finds the inquisitive Eliza Hastings, a reader and thinker who shudders at the thought of childbirth, making a bold choice at age 24. It’s 1791, and Eliza elects to marry, on the spur of the moment, Lord Charles Sharpe, a dragoon in His Majesty’s Army and also the owner of a mansion and a plantation in the Bahamas. Charles’s next mission—after the recent unpleasantness in the American colonies—is to build an island fort. The sort to carry “a sketchbook and a stick of graphite,” Eliza hopes for a fresh start amid the splendors of nature, but after a long sea voyage that finds the marriage unconsummated she is harrowed by life in the Americas: the horrors of slavery, the machinations of colonial politics, the expectations of the marital bed, and “the immensity of human cruelty hitting her like a rogue wave.”

Cruelest of all, it seems, is Charles, whose attentions—“a few rough jabs later and he was finished”—eventually prove worse than his indifference. Giordano spins the tale with rich detail and much yearning, charting Eliza’s introduction into island society, her disastrous attempts to treat the enslaved with kindness, and the thrill and freedom she finds swimming in the ocean. Charles quickly forbids that last pleasure, and as discord grows (“This is not matrimony! This is Abaddon!”), Eliza attracts the notice of a pair of men of questionable loyalties: Captain Hiram Bruin, a rogue turned gentleman trader, and Jean Charles de Longchamp, reputed to be disloyal to the crown.

Giordano writes strong scenes, full of feeling and mysteries, though readers expecting any resolution of key storylines will have to wait for the second book. Despite its hefty length, this volume ends abruptly. The pacing is often slow, and some scenes of Eliza’s misery meander, but readers looking for an old-fashioned gothic with contemporary insight into colonial injustices will find much to savor.

Takeaway: Epic-length tropical gothic of an Englishwoman facing the horror of colonial life.

Comparable Titles: Karen Barrow’s Palmyra, Isabel Cañas’s The Hacienda.

Production grades
Cover: A
Design and typography: A
Illustrations: N/A
Editing: A-
Marketing copy: A

Ebook Details
  • 02/2023
  • 9798986983400 B0BWBXCCNH
  • 454 pages
  • $4.99
Paperback Details
  • 03/2023
  • 9798986983400 B0BPVLPGNB
  • 454 pages
  • $17.99
