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Kindle Edition Digital Ebook Purchas Details
  • 06/2021
  • 979-8514843626 B096M2H3PP
  • 144 pages
  • $2.99
E. Denise Billups
Tainted Harvest (Simone Doucet Series Book 1)

Adult; Sci-Fi/Fantasy/Horror; (Market)

She escaped servitude for a worse fate. Now she wants everyone to know what happened.

Travel writer Simone Doucet is searching for a meaningful life, but she hasn't found a purpose yet. But after she accepts an assignment that takes her to Magnolia Sunrise - a historical bed-and-breakfast on the bluffs of Natchez, Mississippi - strange events begin to take place.

Frightful images of a young slave girl, Delphine, haunt her nights. The first night at the B&B, Simone is transported to 1863, antebellum Natchez. Through spectral eyes, Simone sees Delphine’s history; the horrors she witnessed and was subjected to.

Delphine wants everyone to know what happened to her, and she won't stop haunting Simone until she tells her story. But why has Delphine chosen Simone, and will this awakening bring new purpose to her life, or open up more untold mysteries to be discovered?

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Tainted Harvest by E. Denise Billups is the first book in the Simone Doucet series. Simone Doucet is a travel writer searching for a purpose in her life. A new assignment sees her heading off to Natchez, Mississippi, to the Magnolia Sunrise bed and breakfast. On her arrival, strange things begin to happen. Simone is haunted at night by visions of Delphine, a slave girl from 1863, and sees horrific images of how the girl was treated and the horrors she endured during her servitude. Delphine wants her story known, and Simone won't be free of her until she tells it. She doesn't understand why she has been chosen; could this be the story to give Simone's life purpose, or will she discover even more mysteries that need to be solved? How is Simone connected to Delphine?

Tainted Harvest by E. Denise Billups is a chilling tale of suspense, filled with mystery and horror. It's not just about telling one girl's story; it's about the need to find answers for the past and the main protagonist's future. Simone is a strong female lead, well-developed into a person you can relate to. It's all go, with lots of action and no small amount of suspense and mystery that takes you on a journey you've never been on before, one that will stay with you for a long time. This is a dark story, chilling but written beautifully in a compelling style that brings home the pain and horror the slaves endured. It is written in three separate parts, alternating points of view between Simone and Delphine, allowing you to truly get into both stories without too much flipping back and forth. This is highly recommended, perfect for those who love paranormal and historical novels.

Kindle Edition Digital Ebook Purchas Details
  • 06/2021
  • 979-8514843626 B096M2H3PP
  • 144 pages
  • $2.99
