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paperback Details
  • 04/2024
  • 979-8-9903441-0-5 B0CZQ8DY1C
  • 150 pages
  • $14.99
Ebook Details
  • 04/2024
  • 150 pages
  • $4.99
Dr. Bill Senyard
Tale of the Unlikely Prince
18-year-old Prince Yeled desperately wanted to prove to his adoptive father the King that he was worthy of being the prince heir. But what could he possibly do? He asks for a quest—no, a great quest—no, a heroically astonishing quest—challenging enough to prove his enoughness and finally earn the King's respect and love. But what happens if all does not go as planned? Yeled will learn through thrilling, quirky, and sometimes unbelievable twists and turns that not all quests are what they might seem, and, more importantly, this King is definitely not what he appears.
Plot/Idea: 8 out of 10
Originality: 9 out of 10
Prose: 8 out of 10
Character/Execution: 7 out of 10
Overall: 8.00 out of 10


Plot/Idea: This charming and playful YA novel follows young Prince Yeled as he attempts to prove he is worthy of the throne and embarks on a philosophical, Candide-like quest.

Prose: Senyard’s tongue-in-cheek style is entertaining and appropriate for the nature of the storytelling, effectively meshing a Cervantes-adjacant tone with modern allusions and embellishments. However, the style can sometimes become overbearing. The work may benefit from some additional 'showing' over the more voice-driven narrative. 

Originality: Senyard crafts a unique premise with a fresh and fascinating moral puzzle at its center. 

Character/Execution: As the novel is set in motion with a storyteller recounting the tale at-hand, characters emerge via this framework. Though the author plays off archetypes and does so effectively, readers may appreciate these magnetic players more fully inhabiting the story. 

Date Submitted: April 27, 2024

Dr. Larry Keefauver, Bestselling Author and International Teacher

"Tale of the Unlikely Prince follows the style and impact of a C.S. Lewis fiction spellbinder for teens and young adults alike. It's also the perfect birthday or holiday gift to both entertain and inspire with eternal truths embedded in a page-turning thriller. Make certain you share this book with every young person you know!" -Dr. Larry Keefauver, Bestselling Author and International Teacher

Emily-Jane Hills Orford for Readers’ Favorite

Reviewed by Emily-Jane Hills Orford for Readers’ Favorite

Can an adopted son of a king become heir to the throne? It seems rather unlikely, but in Dr. Bill Senyard’s Tale of the Unlikely Prince, young Prince Yeled is the adopted prince who must prove his worth to become the heir apparent. In a rebellious onslaught against the king, the beloved natural-born son, Prince Sarshalom, is brutally killed in the rebellion. The king adopts Yeled to replace his son, but is it a replacement that will benefit the royal court and the community itself? Prince Yeled believes he is worthy and he’s determined to prove himself. How? By following a great quest, a heroic one, to prove himself. Can he do it?

Dr. Bill Senyard’s young adult novel, Tale of the Unlikely Prince, is a fantasy told with great flavor in the age-old art of storytelling. There is a storyteller actually sharing this story, the Royal Storyteller, Berenice, and she has a captive audience, both in the book and among readers. The language demonstrates the storyteller’s captivating mannerisms and readers will instantly feel like they belong in the audience in the story itself. The plot follows young Prince Yeled’s adoption, his desire to follow a quest, the quest and adventures themselves, and the resolution. The story promotes life-changing lessons that all young people must face at one time or another, including believing in themselves and never giving up. This adventurous epic fantasy will appeal to young adults and even a few older readers as well.

Larry Yoder, Former Bookies Store Manager

Grade 3 to Grade 7



A very good quick-reading fantasy for Middle Schoolers. Senyard has taken the wisdom of the ancient Prodigal Son story and created a great short book around the same themes. Here is a story of a young man wanting to be a great heroic knight and please the King.  The problem is every effort ends in failure. At last, the knight returns home to be greeted with an appreciation for efforts, love that always existed, and total acceptance. It is not essentially a religious book thus open to readers of all sorts of differing backgrounds.

The young reader will find him or herself confronted with the timeless reality that you are loved for more than just deeds accomplished. You will be admired for trying to reach your full potential and there really is no failure in the eyes of those who care for and love you.

The word selection is very good which moves the novel along creating interest in the reader.

In a time of endless debate over what is appropriate for young readers, here is a book that most people will find without fault.  

In short, a good read for young readers and old people like me.

Library Thing Review

“At the end of the book, I was filled with immense gratitude and extreme conviction. I made 40 annotations in this 121-page book, a new record that speaks to how much this book continuously spoke to me.

It’s a fantastic book that I would recommend to anyone of any age to take the time to read. Sometimes, it’s the most profound truths communicated so simply that make a real difference. Apparently, this is only the first book, so I’ll be looking forward to reading other truths Dr. Senyard has to share!”

I’ll leave you with a quote from the book. Perhaps it’ll help you the way it helped me.

“My son, my daughter, I am so proud of you. I am your biggest supporter and fan. I will always have your back. I love you as much as I did before. You have not failed—not in my eyes. You can’t. You are my son, my daughter. You cannot add to that assessment. You cannot take anything away from it. My love for you and my sense of your worth were never dependent upon whatever success you may or may not have had. You are my son, my daughter. I can’t love you any more or less than I do now. The King remains, making all things new…”

Rebekah Nelson Library Thing Review - 5 star

paperback Details
  • 04/2024
  • 979-8-9903441-0-5 B0CZQ8DY1C
  • 150 pages
  • $14.99
Ebook Details
  • 04/2024
  • 150 pages
  • $4.99
