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Michelle Iantosca
The Dominant One
Michelle Ian, author

Adult; Mystery/Thriller; (Market)

You find out your childhood friend might just be a serial killer. What would you do? Try to kill him? Or report him to the police that you know won't be able to contain him? Gabriel Connolly struggles with what’s right. Then, when he’s faced with pure evil, and realizes he has no choice, he tries to drown his soul-less friend in a river. But evil doesn't die. And that’s just the start of Gabriel's new nightmare. You can’t cheat death, that’s the catch. Even worse, Gabriel realizes he may have passed on supernatural gifts to a heartless killer. As fiendish plans and unspeakable atrocities are set in motion, Gabriel learns that he alone may hold the key to a series of terrifying events: a secret cabin in the woods, a hidden tomb housing a trail of dismembered corpses, the young killer who lingers in a coma intent on cheating death. And at last, a depraved madman hellbent on saving his only son’s life. Can Gabriel take back the gifts given and triumph over the wicked? And most importantly, will death lay claim in the end? The Dominant One is a sinister standalone suspense.
Self-Publishing Review

"Reality, memory, and the dark side of dreaming collide in The Dominant One by Michelle Ian, a spiraling work of supernatural horror that hooks hard from the very first chapter. A wise protector with a hidden power finds himself on a desperate rescue mission in the Arizona mountains, haunted by the fatal fallout of his own tragic heroics. With a hypnotizing plot and enthralling, suspenseful prose, this is a sinister masterpiece of modern horror, with surreal sequences of mind-bending descriptions, dream-world battles, a corpse-swallowing void, and a psychotic killer who can terrorize outside of space and time. A disturbing escape, Ian knows precisely how to craft a thriller to make one turn the pages even as the book gets darker and more foreboding." Self-Publishing Review, ★★★★½

