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ye yang
The End of Education: The Rise of Five Wisdom Teachings
SAMO, author
This book completely refreshes the old educational thinking and teaching methods, and is a terminal revolution in the educational system, from which the educational progress of mankind has reached its end and can rest. The secularized Five illuminated anthroposophy educational system is just such a lion's roar: if the spiritual power of the old human beings wants to have a qualitative transformation into the new human beings, only education, and only the secularized Five illuminated anthroposophy education can accomplish it. From multiple humanistic perspectives (philosophy, religion, human culture, pedagogy, Buddha Dharma doctrine, etc.) from world history to reality, the book thoroughly introduces and demonstrates the ideology, teaching methods, universality and universal values of the Five Wisdom Learning System of Education, and explains how the contents of the specific and holographic general education curriculum can step by step realize the two functions of its excellent education (opening up the roots of goodness and wisdom of human beings) in an orderly manner to ultimately achieve the goal of creating new human beings. The book is suitable for all professional and non-professional workers who love education and have a great sense of mission and responsibility for education, and even suitable for amateurs who are self-studying pedagogy: school and university teachers, and related personnel, vocational education and training personnel, adult social educators, community educators, family's education, and even hospice counselors, and so on.
Samo’s debut opens with a call for nothing less than the “end” of education in a world that seems “heading towards destruction.” The apocalyptic language, though, is a method of highlighting the urgency of the author’s true project: the transformation of existing educational systems toward an enlightened, more practical, less knowledge-based education that nurtures humanity’s “inherent virtues and wisdom.” Samo proposes new curriculum and techniques rooted in five “universally applicable and secular” “Wisdoms” derived from ancient teachings pioneered by the Sramanas, the ascetic Indian sect that gave rise to Jainism and Buddhism. The bulk of this hefty, impassioned treatise explores how these Wisdoms could “elevate the pinnacle” of education around the world, how they might be implemented in different nations and cultures, and how if just one to five percent of humanity embraced them the world would be transformed, with “malevolent forces … effectively restrained or even enlightened.”

As all that suggests, this is heady, ambitious material, and Samo writes with urgency, humanity, and a deep belief in “universal light” and the power of the Wisdoms. The Wisdoms include Linguistic Clarity, which refers to “achieving a state of ‘clear and unobstructed’ in the abilities of listening, speaking, and writing” and Medical Insight, which entails understanding of medical conditions “even surpassing the standards of professional medical practitioners.” (Samo argues that the high percentage of medical students needing eyeglasses points to a need to study this wisdom.)

Crucially, study of the final Wisdom—Inner Enlightenment—as well as teaching of the “ten good deeds” helps prevent the abuse of the others for “evil” purposes. Samo proves persuasive when encouraging an integrated approach between contemporary science and technology and ancient teaching, but claims of a “correlation between the general mindstate of humanity and climate conditions,” as exemplified by an explosion of kindness after the 1906 San Francisco earthquake, are unpersuasive, and Samo’s argument that an educational system should produce a “multitude of [Elon] Musks” will prove contentious.

Takeaway: Impassioned call for an education overhaul emphasizing ancient wisdom and virtues.

Comparable Titles: VY. Nithiyanandam’s Buddhist System of Education, Sean Steel’s The Pursuit of Wisdom and Happiness in Education.

Production grades
Cover: B+
Design and typography: B
Illustrations: N/A
Editing: C
Marketing copy: B-


In addition to the important points stated in the review, this book also highlights a prominent theme - the close relationship between the "schizophrenia" between the old and the new human beings and the education of the Five Wisdoms. That is to say, the education of the Five Wisdoms can transform the old mankind into a perfect new mankind. This great and noble concept is supported by the book with sound arguments and practical methods.


In addition to the important points stated in the review, this book also highlights a prominent theme - the close relationship between the "schizophrenia" between the old and the new human beings and the education of the Five Wisdoms. That is to say, the education of the Five Wisdoms can transform the old mankind into a perfect new mankind. This great and noble concept is supported by the book with sound arguments and practical methods.除了评论中阐述的要点外,本书还突出了一个突出的主题——新旧人类的“精神分裂”与五智教育的密切关系。也就是说,五智教育可以将旧人类转变为完美的新人类。本书以合理的论据和实用的方法支撑了这一伟大而崇高的理念。

