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Ebook Details
  • 02/2024
  • 979-8-9893660-1-9
  • 392 pages
  • $9.99
Paperback Details
  • 02/2024
  • 979-8-9893660-0-2
  • 392 pages
  • $19.99
L. K. Wintur
The Engineer's Mechanic
L. K. Wintur, author

Adult; Sci-Fi/Fantasy/Horror; (Publish)

Ren, a gifted mechanic, is unwittingly on the cusp of igniting a revolution that could dismantle the oppressive empire of MetiCorp. After he rescues a droid and is discovered for his talent, he embarks on a quest to reach the elusive ICON status by mastering robotics. When Ren meets a mentor and uncovers information about the legendary Engineer and founder of MetiCorp, he is drawn into a whirlwind of dangers, both in the holographic and real worlds, that throw the fate of the entire city into jeopardy. Will he ascend to ICON status and secure the evidence he needs, or will he join the ranks of those who paid the ultimate price for their defiance?
Set a century from now, an age of superstorms and a sun that “reigns absolute” and burns “its way down into the roots of everything,” this gripping sci-fi adventure debut, the start of the Meticity Series, unfolds in the domed metropolis of MetiCity-6. There Ren, a gifted mechanic with unparalleled engineering skills, emerges from the shadows of orphanhood to challenge the oppressive rule of MetiCorp, the overpowering force within the city, in a story of espionage, O-racing, giant-insect arena combat, and above all else unlikely friendships, with many bold “dome heads,” the prized proptype droid K-2, and enough other winning personalities to build a series upon.

Wintur, a pseudonym for collaborators identified only as Lando and Kori, engages with a familiar, YA-tinged blend of dystopia, rebellion, and rousing heroes. The domed metropolis’s cultures and dangers, Ren's extraordinary abilities, and the discovery of a sinister truth all create a strong foundation for an immersive, polished thriller. The dialogue sparkles, with each of the strong supporting cast representing a fascinating culture or backgrounds—including Jardinerans, who “have a separate evolutionary tree from modern humans, completely unique”—as the heroes collaborate, crack jokes, face wild challenges, and face some awkward moments of flirtation.

The story surges ahead even as it introduces its surprising future, drawing a contrast between virtual and all-too-real worlds, and between the intricacies of MetiCity-6, city of flybikes, high rises, and even a castle, with the harsh Outskirtz beyond its dome. Readers can expect a lively, exciting time as the story weaves through these inventive, oppressive environments. While Ren’s engineer’s-view of the world’s nuts-and-bolts is memorable, and developments involving “brainwave syncs” have an intriguing and uncanny edge, the briskness of storytelling may leave readers wanting a deeper exploration of the characters’ backgrounds, motivations, and struggles, which could add a bit more heft and urgency. Still, this is a slick, promising start, bursting with memorable characters, setpieces, and ideas.

Takeaway: Exciting SF-series starter of a domed dystopian city and an engineer’s revolt.

Comparable Titles:Jeanne DuPrau’s City of Ember, Chandler Klang Smith’s The Sky Is Yours.

Production grades
Cover: A
Design and typography: A
Illustrations: N/A
Editing: A
Marketing copy: A-

Launch Announcement

The Engineer's Mechanic (Book 1 MetiCity Series) will be launching on February 13th, 2024!

Ebook Details
  • 02/2024
  • 979-8-9893660-1-9
  • 392 pages
  • $9.99
Paperback Details
  • 02/2024
  • 979-8-9893660-0-2
  • 392 pages
  • $19.99
