The Hipster's Legacy
Lorraine Cohen, author
The coming of age of a late bloomer and quiet dreamer set in a small beach town community of southern California during the early 1960s.
Thomas Wolfe famously said “You can’t go home again” and this holds true for 22 year old Lorraine who, finds her life is completely different living with her peripatetic older sister, her younger brother and her sister’s three vivacious small children instead of her very practical mother.
What happens at the red cottage by the sea with its off beat family and various oddball friends and visitors are all fodder for the gray loose leaf notebook Lorraine finds and starts writing in as her new life is unfolding.
An intriguing and often humorous memoir of a unique family influenced by a hard working mother who just missed being a saint and a father, the wild jazz pianist and entertainer known in the 1940s as Harry the Hipster Gibson whose amazing abilities
and crazy style influenced the evolution of Rock and Roll.