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Craig Fridey
The Living Thread
Craig Fridey, author
What happens to socks, when they mysteriously don’t come back from the wash? Cletus has lived his whole life afraid of the unknown. His entire existence has been a cycle of predictable and monotonous routine. That was before he learnt of his counterpart's disappearance. To rescue his best friend, Cletus must journey to a realm of sinister slave traders, non-sensical riddles, and a carnival of exploding performers. With the help of a wash basket elder, the anxious sock devises a plan to retrieve his mate from the clutches of an evil circus master. But will the plan work? Will Cletus save his cotton counterpart? OR will he suffer the same fate as all of those who previous dated ventured beyond the pipe. In a race against the clock Cletus must step beyond his apprehensions and travel deep into the unknown. The land of the living thread.
