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Paperback Book Details
  • 12/2023
  • 9798989384266
  • 190 pages
  • $15.99
Leap Write Literary
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The Long Return: Should the Military Be Used as a Political Tool?
Upon returning to the United States after serving in Vietnam, Col. David O. Scheiding, USAF (RET) and other Vietnam vets were met with a significant amount of antiwar, anti-military sentiments by the American Society toward them. David reveals his reaction to the significant change in the general American attitude toward the Vietnam War. The Long Return shows us his experiences as an Air Force pilot and his efforts to understand the change in the American attitude by looking at history and how and why the use of the military developed into a political tool by use by politicians. This is the only way he has been able to adjust and accept the change and to finally be at peace with himself, completing his "long return" from Vietnam.
Amazon Customer

Like David, I am a former combat pilot and aerospace engineer. As an engineer, my ability to write left a lot to be desired until I transitioned to another line of work. David changes tenses too often and his frequent use of past perfect tense is very distracting.

His description of missions flown in the O2A aircraft are not bad but need a lot more amplification. He fails to put his readers in the cockpit, in-country, or away from home. His description of the C-5 crash, where he was on the accident board, was fair but also fails to put his readers at the event. From halfway through this book, the author goes into a highly abbreviated discussion of military actions around the world from our past 70 years. I think he would be better served to avoid such discussion. We do not need a FAC or an engineer to pontificate about military actions - best to leave such commentary to historians.

Amazon Customer

Like David, I am a former combat pilot and aerospace engineer. As an engineer, my ability to write left a lot to be desired until I transitioned to another line of work. David changes tenses too often and his frequent use of past perfect tense is very distracting.

His description of missions flown in the O2A aircraft are not bad but need a lot more amplification. He fails to put his readers in the cockpit, in-country, or away from home. His description of the C-5 crash, where he was on the accident board, was fair but also fails to put his readers at the event. From halfway through this book, the author goes into a highly abbreviated discussion of military actions around the world from our past 70 years. I think he would be better served to avoid such discussion. We do not need a FAC or an engineer to pontificate about military actions - best to leave such commentary to historians.

Paperback Book Details
  • 12/2023
  • 9798989384266
  • 190 pages
  • $15.99
