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Effie Kammenou
The Magic of Robola
As a young girl, Eleni Pangalos spent her summers on the breathtaking Greek island of Kefalonia, growing up among her grandparents’ vineyard. Those were the happiest days of her life, spending all her time with Nikko, her closest friend and, later, her first love, until her family was killed in an automobile accident, changing her idyllic existence forever. Grief-stricken, Eleni returned to the States with her grandparents, never intending to set foot on the island again. Ten years later, her beloved grandfather has passed away. As the last living member of Eleni’s immediate family, she depended on his strength and love. Now she was truly all alone. Alone and destined to step onto that island’s soil once more. A place that at one time filled her with happy memories now only reminded her of unimaginable loss. But when she arrives, Eleni finds a family ready to embrace her as their own. From them, she learns about the bond between her and Nikko’s families—rooted deep in the vineyard and loyal friendship. This foundation and history inspire a new purpose and offer her a chance at happiness, if only she could break through the walls Nikko had erected to protect himself from the heartache of losing her all those years ago. Like the vines of the Robola grapes, which thrive in the most unlikely conditions and rocky terrain, Eleni needs to find the same strength to overcome her past. The Magic of Robola is about family, second chances, and hope. It’s about making every day count, discovering new dreams, and being brave enough to fight for them.
