Plot: A psychic aids the hunt for a serial killer in a cozy supernatural thriller. The plot is sequential and paced well, alternating perspectives of multiple characters, both corporeal and otherwise.
Prose: The writing is clean and straightforward without a lot of elaboration or descriptive writing. Dialogue reads naturally.
Originality: The central conceit of a psychic communing with spirits to solve a mystery is not unique, but is handled with originality. The characters are distinct and effectively portrayed.
Character/Execution: The characters are thoughtfully developed, particularly the spirits, which lend an uncommon and likable personality to the book.
Date Submitted: May 05, 2022
The Mill is filled with razor-sharp characters and a deliciously dark plot - another fantastic example of Cailyn Lloyd's masterful storytelling! - Steve Stred, author of Mastodon and Incarnate