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Kip Cassino
The Narrow Man
Kip Cassino, author
It’s 1986, a decade after the anguish of Vietnam. Karl Thibault is a war hero. He’s also a psychopath, sealed in an asylum after the brutal murder of his wife’s lover. Karl escapes. He hunts the lovers his beautiful, unattainable Marianne has had since his imprisonment. The way lures them to their deaths, the way he slays them are all products of South Vietnam’s madness. A smart young cop and a dedicated F.B.I. agent stalk Karl on his murderous quest. He’s trying to find money to escape with his son, David, to Brazil. The way he’s chosen to raise his cash will make your hair stand on end. From the glitter of Las Vegas and Lake Tahoe to the mountains around Tucson, to cities all over the nation, the twists and turns of Karl’s path are only matched by the depths of his insanity. He must be stopped. But how?
