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The Secret
Topher Kaler, author
Led by the charismatic Samantha, a thirteen-year-old with a thirst for adventure, her crew leave everyone and everything they have ever known behind to escape their doomed planet. Thrown headlong into a series of tests that push them to their limits, Samantha and her talented crew come through triumph, terror and tragedy to discover a secret so shocking, it will turn the entire history of humanity on its head.

A great read for teens. Well written and well paced that keeps you engaged to the end. The characters were well rounded and drove the story forward. I highly recommend it.


If you love sci-fi, then this book is for you. It is a well-written and compelling story that grabs your attention immediately and holds it till the end. The author created an interesting and well-developed universe.


Engaging and futuristic

This is a great present if you like SciFi. Wanted to ready it to the end. I think teens will really like this book

