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Paperback Book Details
  • 06/2020
  • 9798652394912
  • 422 pages
  • $14.99
The Spark of Resistance: Women Spies in WWII
Kit Sergeant, author
As the free world crumbles beneath Hitler’s jackboot, the French Resistance is depending on these women to change the course of history... Daring Mathilde Carré has always dreamed of glory. When the handsome Armand invites her to become his second-in-command of Interallié, one of the founding circuits of the Resistance, she jumps at the chance. But when Armand falls for another woman, how far is Mathilde willing to go to exact her revenge? When Odette Sansom, a married mother of three, is recruited to become a spy with the Special Operations Executive (SOE), she reluctantly accepts, knowing that she might never see her family again. Living a life in shadows with a false identity, Odette experiences more freedom in Occupied France than she has ever known, and her circuit leader, Peter Churchill, is everything her husband isn’t. But one man threatens to destroy all they’ve achieved... Didi Nearne has always lived in the shadow of her sister, Jackie. Although she dreams of becoming an agent with the SOE like her sister, they hire her as a wireless operator instead. As the networks are infiltrated and the on-the-ground agents disappear, Didi is finally given her chance. Will she be able to avoid the Gestapo or suffer the fates of her fellow spies? If you like Ken Follet's Jackdaws, Kate Quinn's The Alice Network, and Sarah Rose's D-Day Girls, you won't be able to put down this meticulously researched tale of love, honor, and deception. Pick it up today!

Reviewed by Kimberlee J Benart for Readers’ Favorite

The Spark of Resistance: Women Spies in WWII by Kit Sergeant is a work of fiction based on historical events and personages. It follows the clandestine operations of three women. Mathilde, a Frenchwoman, helps to create a network within the French Resistance to provide intelligence to the British. Odette, the French wife of an Englishman and a mother, is recruited by the British as a courier. Didi, an Englishwoman raised in France, is trained as a wireless operator. As the Germans compromise several Resistance networks, the lives of these women and their colleagues hang in the balance. Will they remain loyal at any cost, or will they succumb to torture or enticement? An epilogue provides the historical facts surrounding these three women and other characters in the story. A glossary is also included.

In The Spark of Resistance, Kit Sergeant gives us a dramatic, suspenseful, and well-researched tale about three women who initially share one simple purpose: to help defeat the Nazis. As the plot unfolds, love, dedication, patriotism, and courage will face deception, dishonor, cowardice, and treason. The descriptively written, smoothly paced, and utterly engaging narrative flows between the women’s stories in alternating chapters, interlacing their personal lives and emotions with the dangerous operations they conduct or support. All too often, German efforts to locate Allied and French operatives to brutally torture, kill, or use them as well as confiscate their codes, equipment, and financial resources prove successful. Whether you’re interested in WWII or the roles that women played in it, this is a thrilling and eye-opening read.

Paperback Book Details
  • 06/2020
  • 9798652394912
  • 422 pages
  • $14.99
