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Pamela Stockwell
The Tender Silver Stars
In 1972, change is sweeping the world, but it isn't coming fast enough to South Carolina. Not for Triss, anyway. She has always wanted to become an attorney, but her influential grandfather who raised her won't hear of it. She attempts to go it on her own-until she commits an impetuous act that threatens to derail her life. Everlove, the daughter of a working-class family, is not looking for change, but it finds her anyway. She has always followed the rules-until one day she doesn't and blows up the life she has always known. The women meet, become friends, and help each other find new paths forward. Can the two women build new lives from the ones they shattered?
Plot/Idea: 9 out of 10
Originality: 8 out of 10
Prose: 8 out of 10
Character/Execution: 9 out of 10
Overall: 8.50 out of 10


Plot/Idea: The Tender Silver Stars is an impactful historical novel that focuses on integrated friendships and women's rights in the South, starting in the '50s and stretching into the '70s.

Prose: Stockwell's prose is sturdy and immediately engaging. From the first descriptions of young Triss, the author capably holds the reader's attention. 

Originality: The Tender Silver Stars features an unusual and well-plotted storyline, while the examination of burgeoning women's rights in the American south, particularly in regards to career pursuits, is fascinating.

Character/Execution: Readers will find a strong lead in determined, driven Triss. The unique friendship formed between Triss and Everlove is sensitively explored; their individual and shared struggles are movingly conveyed. Readers will ultimately root for both characters as Triss seeks to bring justice to the story's central villain.

Date Submitted: April 02, 2024

