The Unfakeable Code®: Take Back Control, Lead Authentically and Live Freely on Your Terms
Tony Jeton Selimi, author
Modern life comes with many expectations and much stress: career, work, business, finances, relationships, health; you name it. While we sleep, our brains and bodies work hard to heal past wounds. Selimi makes a very compelling argument on why should we be the victims of history and expectations of others when we can teach our minds and bodies to rest and rejuvenate while awake. He shows you the secret to Reclaiming Your Power and Living every critical area of life Prudently by Being Real. By. Combining over 30 years of research, the cutting-edge power of neuroscience with an inspiring testimony, and timeless wisdom, Selimi shows you how to grow your authentic power and develop your self-governance and leadership skills needed to empower every critical area of life so you can be a better leader and live freely on your terms. You can use the five-step method to learn the antidote to living average with a ‘mask’ that conceals your magnificence and break free from fake-it-till-you-make-it culture, reinvent your life and become the master of your destiny.