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Paperback Book Details
  • 10/2020
  • 9781632214270 B08JG4DQ5M
  • 234 pages
  • $16.99
Ebook Details
  • 09/2020
  • 163221427X B08JG4DQ5M
  • 139 pages
  • $7.99
L.C. Tang
The Untold Tales of a Sailor at Sea
L.C. Tang, author

Adult; Music, Performing Arts, Travel; (Market)

A heart moving story about the adventures, romance and hidden truths of the cruise industry. This artist discovers how removing inhibitions and fear of the unknown can lead to a whole world of possibilities and adventures. Finding growth in unexpected social, emotional and spiritual avenues leads one to explore how it is possible to reach new horizons. 


August 12, 2022  Review from SPAIN

Fantastic! A must read for anyone interested in the cruise industry. Eye opening insights into the lives of seafarers.

April 2, 2021 Review from CANADA

An astounding memoir of a young woman's earliest days of becoming a cruise ship employee and maturing in her role. Until you've read this, you have can't imagine what females must go through in this grueling job. Tang's transparent portrayal is of herself as a naive and vulnerable girl who is taken advantage of by the sex starved male crew, but somehow pushes past the abuse to continue because of her love of the sea. She learns to become a shrewd and capable officer who is able to stand up for herself and other women and change the dynamics of her working environment. Although there is some Christian content here, her testimony is buried under the sexual content and black marketing trading. Despite this, an amazing read especially if you want to know what goes on in the belly of the cruise ships during the sailors non-working hours. I especially enjoyed the two disaster stories. I couldn't stop reading.

October 6, 2021 Review from CANADA

What a page turner! If you like adventures, travel and just a good heart warming story then this is a book for you. Author Lincee Tang shares intriguing insights into the cruise industry. This read will make you look at the journey of life and cruising from a whole different perspective. If you liked the movie Titanic and enjoyed the fictional love story in the movie, then you will definitely like this book.

June 22, 2021 Review from UK

Never judge a book by its cover or at least don’t prejudge. When I first heard of LC Tang’s book I did a little googling and thought that this book might not be my cup of tea. Most sea-going adventures are written by seadogs of a certain vintage like myself and have had a similar experience of life at sea.This book comes from a completely different viewpoint. My heart palpitates with excitement as my hand sweats with nervousness.I remember the feeling well as I climbed the gangplank 48 years ago. For Lincee almost fifty years later it is a whole new world that she is entering for the first time. Finding her cabin below the waterline she is shocked by the constant sound of the waves and the coolness of the cabin. Of course, as a mere member of the crew working in the entertainment department, she has to share this rather small and hard-to-find cabin with another female crew member. Her first days at sea on this mega liner and she is totally lost at times trying to navigate the1-95 (main working alleyway of the ship) and seeks the help of a Croatian deck officer to help her find her way. This sleaze bag pins her against the bulkhead and physically attacks her, ripping her uniform and abuses her. The ship newbie has heard tales of bodies disappearing over the side and keeps details of this attack to herself, not realising how behaviour like this should be reported. Male crew members greatly outnumber the females on board and little does she realise that from the moment she stepped on the gangway she was regarded as New Meat and would be a target each day for the sex-starved crew members.Back in the 1970 entertainment hostesses were given officer status but it appears that times have changed and Lincee is classed as “Staff Rank”, all new to me but equivalent to leading hands as l knew them with some passenger privileges. The food quality for crew food seems to have declined over the years and a trip ashore to McDonald’s is a treat to many crew members to escape the monotony of the crew mess.One thing that has not changed much is the high costs of phone calls from the ship. I only ever called home once a trip for very special occasions, like birthdays or Christmas. Phone cards were available to Lincee to use once the ship is in dock but rather hefty at $10 for thirty minutes. Phone cards at sea were a black market currency and could often be earned by doing someone a favour, one way or the other, use your imagination. Lincee finds it hard to make new friends on the ship and finds solace in playing the piano in her spare time and by attending the Christian Bible study group and looks forward each week to the Sunday Christian fellowship meeting. It is not long before she is called upon to open the meeting with a prayer, which in turn leads to her holding the service and preaching the sermon. Doing the Dhobi is another task that proves difficult for female crew members onboard ship. With only four washers and dryers available for crew use, it is a marathon to get the dhobi done. First, you have to queue for a washer and then a dryer. If you disappear while waiting for the machine to finish and you are late in returning your laundry would be ceremoniously dumped from the machine awaiting your return. Much to Lincee’s distress, she returns to the laundry to discover that some of her underwear is missing and she is left with only one set of underwear to last until she arrives in Juneau for a trip to the local Walmart to replenish her missing garments. Acquiring bottled water could also be a challenge at sea. As it was only available at certain times. Personally, I have never been an advocate of bottled water and have always drunk water straight from the tap where safe to do so, this includes all the ships I have sailed on. I hope the modern ships now have bottle filling points around the ship to cut back on plastic waste. Lincee’s strong Christian faith help her through many difficult situations during her career at sea. Before her life, at sea, she was often called upon to fill in as emergency pianist in different denominational churches and as such enjoyed all the different styles of services and sermons of the various churches she visited. I particularly like her explanation for the different styles of holy communion. Lining up at the altar rail and taking the blood of Christ from the same chalice, she called this the drive-thru method. As a youth I served at holy communion in the C of E and now realise we used the drive-thru method with me following along in my red cassock with the tray of wafers. According to Lincee, some churches provide little cups filled with wine along with the wafer and all the congregation would partake at the same time - The take-out method.Before life at sea Lincee was a fitness instructor at a local gym, after every contract at sea she goes back to this life but soon realises that she cannot live the shoreside life and returns to the oceans for another contract. I believe she got a taste for junk food at sea which does not bear well for a fitness instructor.When I started to read “The Untold Tales of a Sailor at Sea”. I thought Lincee’s experience of her first trip would mean that she was a one-trip pony and this would be her first and last contract, but as I read on I realised that like the rest of us the sea had got into her bones. Even after a terrible experience in Venice where the ship is almost pulled over, holed fore and aft and almost taking to the lifeboats she is not put off and does many more contracts at sea. At this point in the book, I was beginning to think that some of her book was fiction as this stricken ship was back at sea the following day, it was then that I realised some of the tales were from different contracts and did not necessarily follow on from each other. Emergencies at sea are always a frightening experience and within this book, there are quite a few that are documented. There is a whole range of coded announcements that indicate to the crew what is happening and what action they should take, while the passengers are left unaware. Lincee tells of a poor sailor that loses an arm when he becomes trapped in a watertight door. Which brought back to me the horrors of a sailor on Pacific Princess when I was at sea that sadly lost his life in such an incident. On another occasion, Lincee is suspected of being a Drug Mule and has to go through the embarrassing ordeal of giving a pee sample to a customs officer while 200 crew members wait for the result. Have you ever tried peeing to order? Christmas at sea can be a very special occasion. A call to the Cruise Director's office just before Christmas and Lincee is asked to perform the interdenominational services on Christmas eve and Christmas day as head office has decided not to send a clergyman on the cruise to carry out the service. It does not take long for her to say yes to this request. Lincee turns to God for help and delivers the services to packed lounges of passengers and officers. Just when you build up your impression of Lincee, she shocks you. On one occasion she is dealing contraband of passenger food for a milkshake (not allowed) or black market noodles for $2 delivered in a laundry or sick bag. Before you know it she is stealing all the free condoms from the medical centre to trade for phone cards and bottles of water and gains the title of Condom Dealer.Committed Christian she is – Ms. Goody Two Shoes she is not.

July 25, 2024 Review from USA

Have you ever been on a cruise and wondered how it is run so smoothly, so efficiently, and seemingly with minimal staff in sight? Have you ever wanted to see the world one port at a time? Have you ever thought of escaping land, to feel freedom, and enjoy an adventure? With her thirtieth birthday looming, a milestone by any right, coming on the heels of exiting an abusive relationship, Lincee decides to make a huge jump, living out her dream aboard a luxury cruise ship. Working in the entertainment department within the cruise ship industry means Lincee often works long hours on her feet. Couple that with being a newbie to the navigation of below deck passages and she quickly finds she is struggling to make her way back to her bunk each night. With men being the dominate sex at sea, this is a scary position for any female to be in. Despite Lincee’s hardships, finding her way, making friends, and remaining true to herself, she has now spent more than a decade at sea. Both as a passenger and as a crew member, author L.C. Tang reveals the many secrets, and many stories of her time on the water. From port excursions warning crew not to stop at KFC, to the underwater black-market trading and late-night meal deliveries, Tang welcomes readers into her inner folds and lays it all bare.“The Untold Tales of a Sailor at Sea” was as captivating as the title suggests. Tang enthralls readers with her adventures, her woes, and her endeavors at sea. Cumulating with her friendships, fears, and faith, this book is a truly eye-opening experience. Readers will never look at the cruise industry the same, with crew passageways, i95 corridors, door markings hidden in plain sight, and staff all working behind the scenes to make our cruise dreams come true.

November 14, 2022 Review from USA

Come aboard for uncharted waters! The Untold Tales of A Sailor at Sea is the personal stories of one woman's life working on a cruise ship. Each chapter sheds a light on the inner workings of what goes on behind the scenes to make a successful voyage for all. The often witty and sometimes terrifying stories of adventure and secrets are a treasure to be discovered.

Each chapter tells a unique story of an experience and begins with a meaningful quote. The cute and cartoonish illustrations add a light hearted whimsy that I looked forward to throughout the novel. Something that I found unique and cool is the sermon notes feature at the end of the book that is a teaching and ministry tool that will enlighten the reader.

As someone who was always curious about what it would be like to work on a cruise ship I was very surprised at some of the stories within the novel. The book made me long for the cruise experience and smell of the salty air. I laughed and cried along with the narrator as she went through the ups and downs. Some of the circumstances she experiences I never even thought about before that you would encounter while doing such a seemingly glamourous job.

I would recommend this book for fans of Rock This Boat. This is an ideal read for a vacation read, particularly on a cruise. The chapters are short and easy to read, perfect for downtime while sailing the seven seas. Ships ahoy!

November 5, 2022 Review from USA

Enjoyed this story. The character building is great and the voice of the protagonist does shine through the narrative. Readers will enjoy the sea adventures and the drive of the key protagonist.

October 30, 2022 Review from USA

I have taken several cruises in my lifetime. All of them excellent. What L C Tang has introduced us to is the underbelly of the beast. There had to be one. Nothing so perfect and pristine on the surface cannot be mad possible without sacrifice. The servants aboard all those posh floating cities are prime examples of such. I applaud L C for the courage to pen a novel exposing the pitfalls of paradise on the open seas. She should be commended and held in high reverence as to her expose'. Perhaps she will be the flickering light that ignites the flame to bring forth more secure conditions, more humane treatment of all those who live and work the cruise ship industry as they wallow in darkness.

December 7, 2021 Review from USA

I give this book a 3.5 out of 5 but rated up on here. I did like most of the book but there were some parts of it that I just did not. There were no trigger warnings before I got the book (it's nice to know that there are possible triggers ahead of time). The author shares some things that make me wonder about actually taking a the areas of the ship where there are no cameras and areas that people can get away with murder (literally). I liked how she went on a journey of self discovery and found out some of her gifts. There were other things in the book though that did not match up with Christian values like getting amourous with guys in her room, or recieving and enjoying contraband, and a few other things (though none of us are perfect and we all make mistakes). The writing was easy to follow making this a quick and easy read (it only took so long because I was only reading a chapter before bed at night). I am sure others would enjoy reading this book.

November 24, 2022 Review from INDIA

• Life's roughest storms prove the strength of our anchor.•

Experience the life of a Sailor at the sea and look behind cruise ship doors with Lincee who loves being in the Sea and works with an entertainment department at Cruise. While the passengers on the ship enjoy the most, Lincee shares her experiences as a member of the Sailing crew. Her encounters with fellow officers and the life of a crew member. The untold tales of a sailor at sea is about her journey from being a great member to becoming an officer. Her adventures during her life at sea. How each experience made her stronger and she discovers herself and her talents. From being courageous to stand for the truth to how difficult it was for her to make friends on the ship. I loved the way she narrates her experiences in the most unfiltered descriptive way. One could feel her struggles, pain and every small achievement. This book will make you smile, will make you feel the pain and the emotions. With Lincee the readers too will live and experience the life on the sea.The way she discovered few secrets at the sea as a crew member, and how she learned the small but important lessons of life there. I loved the way she gave cruise tours and how every experience made her crave more for the sea. What I loved most is how she never gave up on her passion and found time for herself. Her spiritual growth, well my most favourite part of the book. One of my favourite stories is Vladimir’s story, the cookies story. The way she planned events, and did prayers, everything felt real.With simple language and an intriguing writing style, this book has stories for life. How the life of a crew member is different and difficult, how no one cared about their mental health and the way they are treated. Lincee interestingly shares the untold stories.It's a bit slow-paced story with too many details but then the twists make it all worth it. The tough situations she faced during her contracts and the way she handled them is something we must all learn. It's an inspiring, adventurous journey of Lincee and her experiences at the sea which are worth reading. Especially to know about the life of people who makes our journey a comfortable one. It's A light, breezy, inspiring read you can count on.

July 9 2023 Review from goodreads and amazon INDIA

Adventure at Sea

This book is about the experiences of a girl, Lincee who joined in Entertainment department and served in several contracts at cruise ships. This is a good book for people expecting to join the ship or want to know about the life at sea as it gives an idea of what to expect at the ship. Lincee was working as a gym instructer on land and wanted to have an adventure at sea to come out of her monotonous life. She explored different places like Alaska, Carribbean, Australia, Newzealand, Mediterranean, South Pacific, Egypt, etc while on sea and the offers at sea were lucrative and adventurous. During her contract on ship in the early weeks, she often got lost finding her cabin – once she got help by a kind officer and once she was attacked by an officer who tried to rape her. It was difficult to do simple things like laundry at sea and she lost some of her clothes also while washing. She cherished the time out of her shift by playing piano at the chapel, attending bible studies on Wednesday nights and church services on Sundays. She was asked to deliver sermons and lead bible studies for the crew, which she enjoyed alot. On one of the contracts, she was also asked to deliver sermons for the passengers also. On the other contrtact, she delivered sermons on Christmas too which she enjoyed alot.The book shows how different the life is at the sea is – with constant noises, poor air quality, low temperatures, small cabins, watertight doors, limited choice of food, fighting crew members, and sex starved sailors. Lincee was once interrogated for suspicion of being a drug mule and had to undergo a drug test also. She joined one of her contract to Mediterranean as promoted officer and got her own cabin and window. She was disturbed by a phonecall from a Filipino crew late at night against whom she filed a sexual harassment complaint. She made good friends while at ship and enjoyed the time onshore too visiting different places. While in Venice, the wind was very strong, there was terror at the ship when it started to sink. There was panic all around among the crew and passengers. The ship was finally saved when mooring ropes were cut. Once while in Egyptian contract, the engine got fire and there was alarm but luckily, fire was exhausted by the crew.The book is divided in 12 chapters and each chapter starts with a motivating quote. The book is well written and keeps you engrossed. Illustrations in the middle complements the story well and are nicely done. The book ends with the acknowledgement and the Bible sermons about job and ministry, and about patience. Overall a good book that keeps you involved. I have never been at sea and wants to have a time in ship too after reading this book. Good work by the author. Highly Recommended.  


December 7, 2022 Review from INDIA

I would like to thank the author for sending me the book, and I should appreciate that the author stuck with the word and though it took more than a month for me to receive the book, I did and I really am thankful to have put so much effort to send the book to me, just for a request from me. Unfortunately, I cannot give rating for the authors commitment on this but I really am grateful for the same.
For the book, a much-awaited book for me, and when I started the book there were more hiccups for me, yet could complete it after a long reading span. So this book sure holds a softer corner for me however I would try my review is not impacted by the this fact.
A story which looks like inspired by Titanic, it runs and reminds us a little of it, however one can easily see the difference while reading the book yet at the back of the read, Titanic always sits. So I would request the readers to please try keep that out while reading. Lincee is our lead character, who loves seas, obviously a sailor on a cruise. She has been on various cruise and had set backs of life on the cruise, the Caribbean Cruise journey; she also happened to face others like a sinking ship, ship on fire, etc.
The story tells us about how people get desperate on such long cruise journeys and how the instincts of desire over ride the human wisdom, the lead role has faced so many of such incidents over time and the incidents which prove that sea and isolated journeys impact the characteristics of people around.
This is more of a reality on book, though the book does not claim to be based on any true story but there is truth in the story. A well drafted and well-presented book. A different story line which tells truth of life and man, in a fiction story. Appreciate the efforts by the author and am happy that I received and read the book.

November 18th, 2022 Review from AUSTRALIA

L.C.Tang has emerged as one of the most compelling storytellers in this decade who moves up ranks while exploring various avenues along the journey in life. This publication is a work of heartfelt reflection and mesmerizing glimpses into the life of this artist. Lincee Tang invites readers behind the scenes while chronicling the shipboard experiences in the underbelly of the lavish cruise industry. With unerring honesty and lively wit, L.C.Tang pens some harrowing life experiences and convictions. Therefore, this is a must read for further hidden truths and surprising revelations of the cruise industry.

Book Commentary

June 17, 2022 Global Review from

Just as she was turning thirty, the author felt an exhilarating sense of freedom — student loans paid off and toxic relationships put behind her — but her mundane life didn't spell freedom. So she wanted to do something unique to celebrate her thirtieth birthday. It was then that she decided on an adventure that was to give her wonderful memories. In The Untold Tales of a Sailor at Sea, L. C. Tang documents the protagonist’s journeys at sea, spanning over a decade, first as a passenger on different cruise lines, then as a crew member. In this thrilling tale, the author takes readers on a rollicking ride to numerous ports and countries, exciting encounters with people from different backgrounds and walks of life, and the sheer delights of sea travels. Inspired by the author’s own travels and real-life experiences, this novel reads like the perfect blend of a travel memoir and thriller, with strong hints of romance. Readers encounter a fully drawn character who decides to do one thing to bring excitement to her life and is irrevocably pulled into sea travel. L.C. Tang lifts the veil to reveal what the sea crew experience —the challenges, the fulfilling moments of serving passengers, the adventures that include romance, and a lot more. The prose is gorgeous and the dialogues are well-crafted to reflect real-life situations. The Untold Tales of a Sailor at Sea is a novel for travel fans and a tale that will inspire readers to break away from the doldrums of daily life to do something different, unique, and adventurous. The author’s sense of setting is strong and she fills the writing with delectable sights, providing glimpses of different cultures while allowing the humanity of the characters to shine through the already dazzling writing. From the hypnotic first-person narrative voice that greets the readers from the opening page, readers find themselves in the deft hands of a narrator who knows how to sustain attention once it is grabbed.

August 27, 2022 Review from New York, USA


This is an eye opening read about the hidden secrets of the cruise industry. Tang is a storyteller of prodigious powers unveiling the fascinating mini stories of things that happen to crew members unbeknownst to the sailing passengers. An extraordinary populous and hilarious rollercoaster ride of emotional tales. Tang has the power description, and we succumb.

August 10, 2022 Review from Sydney, AUSTRALIA

A PAGE TURNER! Fascinating insights into the cruise industry! It was a compelling read that moved me with compassion, empathy and understanding for the crew who work so hard to serve the passengers while trying to survive the hardships at sea.

September 4, 2022 Review from CANADA

Extraordinarily heartfelt, compulsively enriching memoir of surviving and thriving! A compelling and stirring memoir with turns that are comical, sad, and alarming. This book provides a harrowing look, through the prism of Ms.Tang’s journey as an entertainer and crewmember in the cruise industry. Tang proves to be a gifted storyteller, able to deftly lace her poignant tales with amusing irony as this publication is an engaging, fast-paced, and vivid read. Moreover, the book is essential reading not only because it is a personal story of survival, leavened with insight and wit, but because it does more to expose the underworking’s of the cruise industry. Overall, 12 chapters written as a substantial collection of staggering admissions that are incisive, quick-witted and intense. These revelations are anchored to her portrait of walking in faith, courage and conviction of the heart.

CORK Ireland

February 27, 2022 Review from IRELAND

"You sent a copy of your book to my daughter who works in the Titanic Experience in COBH Ireland the last port of call for the TITANIC, I myself am a ex Navy man with 32 years experience, I really enjoyed your book and finished it in 2 sittings such was the interest in your experiences, Life aboard the Liners is sooo different than on board a Navy ship. A VERY GOOD READ and WELL DONE TO YOU."

A complimentary press kit was sent to "Titanic Experience" museum in Ireland. Reviews are not solicited or expected with complimentary press kits. Thank you for your kind response and acknowledgement.

September 3, 2023 Review from USA

A great book for anyone interested about the cruise industry and for passengers who would appreciate insights into the lives of the crew members. Kudos to the author for pulling the curtain back to reveal what happens behind those closed "crew only doors".

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Jan. 30, 2021 Review from INDIA

 "The Untold Tales Of A Sailor At Sea" A fabulous book written by beautiful @L.C.Tang. She herself is a sailor to the core. Enthusiastic and passionate work in the entertainment department in cruise ship. Book contains a lot and lot of experiences seafarers gets during voyage. Some are good, some are pleasant, some are funny, some are emotional, some are scary and some are sad. I bet every sailor will relate these incidents with him/her. I really enjoy reading this book. Greeting to the author... I think you should write more stuff like this....Recommended to read by every sailor....

August 10, 2022 Review from NEW ZEALAND

An amazing read! Anybody who has been on a cruise or likes the movie Titanic needs to read this book. I hope the author writes a sequel.

 August 3rd, 2022  Rewiew from UK

"A Must Read!"

This book is a must read for anyone who has hopes, dreams and a drive to live a life of adventure. The tales are broken down into 12 chapters which includes a myriad of thrills, laughter, adventures, drama, excitement, sorrow, pain and words of encouragement. I felt like I was on a rollercoaster of emotions from beginning to end cheering on the character Lincee who often meets with divine intervention through the heart and mind of conviction. This book is more than just a memoir or autobiography. It is a scintillating read for anyone who also has an interest in the travel and cruise industry. Two thumbs up! Well done Lincee.

April 6, 2021 Review from CANADA

I thoroughly enjoyed the candid and raw story telling of L.C. Tang’s journey through life onboard of a cruise ship. It was an easy read, that takes the reader through a series of tragic events that are revealed almost immediately. The gravity of the first chapter has the reader feeling empathetic towards the author and surprised to learn the inner workings and under reported happenings of life below deck. The selection of adventures that the author shares keeps the reader engaged and eager for more!  (Admin of FB page "The Crew Bar")

December 7, 2021 Review from CANADA

Very interesting and compelling novel. The first chapter intrigued me and got me interested in reading the rest of the novel so I purchased the ebook to finish reading it. I liked how the author was descriptive and great at story-telling. It’s a good read and compelling and holds your attention and you want to know what happens next. There is some humour in this book and some sad things and even anger emotions show up at times for what the author went through or describes what happens on the cruise ships as an employee. I was taken aback a bit at how the book ended as I wasn’t expecting it to end so abruptly since I was laughing at how the author described her last ordeal in her book. I still had more questions…lol. Overall a good and interesting read.

January 18, 2022  Review from USA

The book goes behind the scenes of the writer who decides to make a change in life after being on a cruise and choosing a career in the travel industry. The book shows what each crew employee's job is, to the layout of a the ships, to some of the drama that occurs on the trips. Also throughout the writer shows her faith by taking on the preaching and worship segments on the cruises, while trying to combat harassment and even an assault on the ships. This is not just for Christians,; there isn't a bunch of Bible talk in the book, but for anyone who wants to see the no-always-so glamorous life on a boat, along with some nice illustrations by Oscar David added on. For an in depth review, visit-

December 22, 2021 Review from AUSTRALIA Shelves: non-fiction, adventure, true-story

The Untold Tales of a Sailor a Sea is about the story of a young woman who wanted an adventure on the high seas. Turning thirtieth Lincee Tang fell in love with working as part of a cruise ship Entertainment Department. At first, Lincee Tang found life on a cruise ship challenging. However, the longer Lincee continues with the onboard life more she enjoys the adventure. The readers of The Untold Tales of a Sailor at Sea will continue to follow Lincee advantages to learn about the life of a member of a sailing crew.The Untold Tales of a Sailor at Sea is the debut book by L. C. Tang. At first, I did not think I would enjoy reading this book. However, I was wrong, and I engaged with the story from the first page. I have read books about the life of a male sailor, and it was interesting to read about life from a female perspective. I like L. C. Tang writing style. The readers of The Untold Tales of a Sailor at Sea will learn about the life of a woman sailor. Also, the readers of The Untold Tales of a Sailor at Sea will learn about places Lincee visited during her travels. I recommend this book.

October 30th, 2022 Review from NY, USA

I have taken several cruises in my lifetime. All of them excellent. What L C Tang has introduced us to in this well thought out and inspired book is the seeming diabolic underbelly of the beast. There had to be one. Nothing so perfect and pristine on the surface cannot be made possible without sacrifice from beneath. The servants aboard all those posh floating cities are prime examples of such. I applaud L C for the courage to pen a novel exposing the pitfalls of paradise on the open seas. She should be commended and held in high reverence as to her expose'. Perhaps she will be the flickering light that ignites the flame to bring forth more secure conditions, more humane treatment, more sincerity of rights as human beings--to those who live and work the cruise ship industry as they wallow in darkness. Kudos to her!

June 16, 2022 Review from Kampala, UGANDA

I have had the unspeakable joy of finishing to read author L.C. Tang's book, ''The UNTOLD TALES of a SAILOR at SEA''.  Author Lincee ably communicates her story's message with the reader in a very simplistic manner-her choice of words enables the reader to find acquaintance with her entire emotional, spiritual and emotional conflict. No wonder she possess the true character of a great writer; having the capacity to tell her story in away that is understood by her readers. Author Lincee Tang travels with us on a lovely journey of her life-her passions, dreams, struggles, setbacks, triumphs and victories. Throughout the tapestry of her story, Lincee as a character enshrined in the First Pronoun ''I'' point of view, demonstrates to us her an unwavering faith amidst the most challenging seasons of life on the waters. Thus, her trust in God for His will to be accomplished in her life is weaved from the beginning to the end. To all of us-her readers-who have only known a living on land and would wish to explore life and adventure on the sea, can therefore comprehend from Lincee's imaginary vision cast on paper, what it means to pursue a dream on the waters with relentless passion. We can all stand in awe, celebrating her life which is filled with supernatural surprises, miracles, signs and wonders. How she emotionally survives the terrifying deluges of a sinking ship and the elicit urge for sexuality by fellow crew members, is the most amazing testimony that should strengthen us on our journey of salvation. It is a must-read for all citizens of heaven presently dwelling in this fragile world-Earth.

October 23, 2021 Review from Abuja, NIGERIA

This book is breathtaking and an eye-opener to life in the sea. I enjoyed reading every page of this book. The author has tactfully and interestingly weaved her experience in the sea in this well-crafted book. She unfolds her sad ordeals as well as some exciting moments as a crew member on the ship. She explained how she fell prey to a sex-starved Croatian Officer who abused her not once but twice. But the sad story had a U-turn when she met and fell in love with Amit--- security personnel. Her friendship with Amit made her bold and fearless. As a result, she was able to stand up for herself when yet another sex predator wanted to take advantage of her. The author also shares how she discovered her God-given ministry. What she had always wanted - To serve God, present itself, and she took it. Brother Matthew, from the Philippines, the fellowship coordinator, gave her the privilege to minister the word of God. That marks the beginning of ministry for her. She has details of her messages preached at sea in Appendix 1 and 2. I enjoyed every chapter of this book. I highly recommend this book; check out this fantastic story of a sailor at sea. You will enjoy it too.

July 15, 2023 Review from LITHUANIA

Įspūdingas skaitinys! Kelių žanrų leidinys, apimantis nuotykius, keliones, dramą ir nusikaltimus. 

Fascinating read!  A multi-genre publication covering adventure, travel, drama and crime.

February 4, 2024 Review from ITALY


A must read for every Italian as Italy is the cruise ship capital of Europe. The Fincantieri shipyard builds the best cruise ships in the world. This book will make you look at cruise ships with a broader perspective.


Una lettura obbligata per ogni italiano poiché l'Italia è la capitale delle navi da crociera in Europa. Il cantiere navale Fincantieri costruisce le migliori navi da crociera al mondo. Questo libro ti farà guardare alle navi da crociera con una prospettiva più ampia.

November 5, 2022 Review from

 A Great Read

Enjoyed this story. The character building is great and the voice of the protagonist does shine through the narrative. Readers will enjoy the sea adventures and the drive of the key protagonist.

January 2024 Review from RWANDA

In the book, "The Untold Tales of a Sailor at Sea," Lincee shares her firsthand experiences working on cruise ships. She provides insight into the challenges and adventures encountered while working in the entertainment department on various contracts. The narrative includes details about the daily hardships, such as navigating the maze of the ship, dealing with limited resources, and facing dangerous situations, as well as the rewarding moments, like exploring different ports and forming friendships with her fellow crew members. Lincee's courage to speak up about the difficulties she faced, including instances of sexual harassment, adds a poignant and important layer to the story. The book gives readers a comprehensive look at life onboard a cruise ship, shedding light on the harsh realities, unexpected perils, and the resilience required to navigate through it all. The storytelling is compelling, with well-crafted character development, and the protagonist's voice shines through the narrative. The book effectively captures the reader's interest, providing a captivating insight into the life at sea. The author's personal experiences are insightful and offer valuable perspective for those interested in a career at sea or curious about the hidden world beneath the decks of cruise ships. The book is structured into 12 chapters, each beginning with a motivating quote, and includes illustrations that complement the narrative. It provides a realistic portrayal of the challenges faced by crew members at sea while also underlining the moments of joy and opportunities for personal growth.

November 24, 2022 Review from INDIA

Experience the life of a Sailor at the sea and look behind cruise ship doors with Lincee who loves being in the Sea and works with an entertainment department at Cruise. While the passengers on the ship enjoy the most, Lincee shares her experiences as a member of the Sailing crew. Her encounters with fellow officers and the life of a crew member. The untold tales of a sailor at sea is about her journey from being a great member to becoming an officer. Her adventures during her life at sea. How each experience made her stronger and she discovers herself and her talents. From being courageous to stand for the truth to how difficult it was for her to make friends on the ship. I loved the way she narrates her experiences in the most unfiltered descriptive way. One could feel her struggles, pain and every small achievement. This book will make you smile, will make you feel the pain and the emotions. With Lincee the readers too will live and experience the life on the sea.The way she discovered few secrets at the sea as a crew member, and how she learned the small but important lessons of life there. I loved the way she gave cruise tours and how every experience made her crave more for the sea. What I loved most is how she never gave up on her passion and found time for herself. Her spiritual growth, well my most favourite part of the book. One of my favourite stories is Vladimir’s story, the cookies story. The way she planned events, and did prayers, everything felt real. With simple language and an intriguing writing style, this book has stories for life. How the life of a crew member is different and difficult, how no one cared about their mental health and the way they are treated. Lincee interestingly shares the untold stories.It’s a bit slow-paced story with too many details but then the twists make it all worth it. The tough situations she faced during her contracts and the way she handled them is something we must all learn.It’s an inspiring, adventurous journey of Lincee and her experiences at the sea which are worth reading. Especially to know about the life of people who makes our journey a comfortable one. It’s A light, breezy, inspiring read you can count on.

August 25, 2022 Review from USA

Captivating Read!

This is an eye-opening read about the hidden secrets of the cruise industry. Tang is a storyteller of prodigious powers unveiling the fascinating mini storeis of things that happen to crew members unbeknownst to the sailing passengers. An extraordinary populous, and hilarious rollercoaster ride of tales. Tang has the power of description, and we succumb

August 4, 2022 Review from UK

A must read!

This book is a must read for anyone who has hopes, dreams and a drive to live a life of adventure. The tales are broken down into 12 chapters which includes a myriad of thrills, laughter, adventures, drama, excitement, sorrow, pain and words of encouragement. I felt like I was on a rollercoaster of emotions from beginning to end cheering on the character Lincee who often meets with divine intervention through the heart and mind of conviction. This book is more than just a memoir or autobiography. It is a scintillating read for anyone who also has an interest in the travel and cruise industry. Two thumbs up! Well done Lincee.

November 24, 2022 Review from CANADA

Lincee shares her experiences working on several different cruise ships. Each trip or work assignment certainly has its share of highs and lows. At the beginning of the book, author L.C. Tang explains that many of the adventures in the book are loosely based on real-life experiences. There are illustrations throughout the book too from Oscar David that add to the scenes. An inside look into cruise shipsI didn’t realize that cruise ships have underground “black markets” that enable staff on cruise ships to get extra things they’re not allowed while on work contracts. For example, on one particular ship, the crew members are allowed to buy a certain amount of alcohol and cigarettes within a certain time frame but not go over that number. In the book, many sailors find their way around that to indulge in these things. Crew members can also order hot noodles and other foods for delivery to their cabins late at night if they know the right people. Again, it’s an underground system, as the supervisors wouldn’t normally allow meals at that late hour. I also didn’t know that the workdays are so long for the staff. I imagine being like Lincee, trying to get along with a new roommate in my cabin and having a completely different lifestyle while at sea – It wouldn’t be an easy adjustment! I also wouldn’t like to share a small number of washing machines and dryers with so many other people on the boat. With that being said, the crew get to see a lot of great places while onboard. Being able to travel while getting paid, with meals included, would be exciting.What keeps her goingFaith, music, and friendship are all staples in Lincee’s life on land, so it makes sense that she looks for these things to keep her going while on the water. She enjoys playing the piano and makes a friend while doing so.It is nice to see how she participates in Bible studies on the boats. Over time, she is put in charge of delivering sermons, which boosts her confidence considerably. It was nice to read about her taking on the challenge and doing great at leading these events.There are proverbs from the Bible throughout the book. At the end of the book are some sermon notes from the author.A trigger I didn’t expectI was saddened and shocked by the book’s portrayal of life for women at sea on the boats Lincee is on for her work. The men are described as “sex-starved sailors” in chapter one who had “lusting eyes” on her as she took her first assignment at sea.Shortly after, in the book, Lincee is sexually assaulted by one of the men working on the boat. I was shocked when this happened. There was no warning of it in the book description online or in the book’s preface to warn me. It was a trigger for me as a sexual assault survivor. I was then holding my breath throughout the book, thinking about how she navigated the other challenges on work projects, given the numbness I remember feeling after what happened to me. I admit I lost some sleep while reading this book as I had flashbacks to my own experiences. But I gave my word to the author to review this book, so I finished it. I hope a trigger warning is added to the book’s online description. Please understand I’m not saying that this book shouldn’t include the event. What I’m saying is that I would have liked a heads-up. Overall impressions of The Untold Tales of a Sailor at SeaI liked this book for its ability to give me the inside look at the crews on cruise ships. I hadn’t realized what their average day looked like and the layouts of the ships.I have never been on a cruise ship, but if I go one day as a passenger, I will certainly be thinking about this read. I do hope, though, that female crew member are not seen as objects to salivate over by their male counterparts on every boat like it is portrayed in the book. My heart goes out to anyone who is sexually assaulted. I gently encourage the author to add a trigger warning, so others know exactly what to expect from this book and can then choose whether to read it, knowing all of the information.If you’ve ever wondered what it might be like to work on a cruise ship, this book might be right for you. I give The Untold Tales of a Sailor at Sea by L.C. Tang 4 out of 5 stars.

August 28, 2022 GLOBAL REVIEW

Spellbounding!Fascinating! A must read for everyone who has hopes and dreams and curious to explore life on the other side of the fence. When you think the grass is greener elsewhere, then it's time to take courage and explore new avenues. Author Tang is spellbounding and takes the reader on such a journey. 

A Captivating Story of the Hidden Truths within the Cruise Industry


Artist, Author, Passenger and Crewmember unveils insights about the cruise industry and invites you behind the scenes. This surprising revelation of the cruise industry provides an eye-opening perspective into the daily lives of seafarers on passenger ships.This ultimate read is also an inspiration for every artist in the entertainment industry as it illustrates the tenacity of one who strives with resilience and endurance to overcome obstacles to reach and realize dreams. During one interview, Author L.C. Tang states “This book was written to satiate the appetite of travel enthusiasts, artists, cruise passengers, crewmembers, and those affiliated and interested in the maritime industry.” Follow along with this essential cruise companion as it tells of the hidden truths of the cruise industry while providing crewmembers a voice to be finally heard. If one enjoyed the movie The Titanic, then this thrilling book of adventure filled with a plethora of tales intertwined with suspense, drama, romance, and unsuspecting crime will surely put you on the edge of your seat.

Multifaceted artist and author Ms. L.C.Tang is making headway again as a trailblazer in her own right touching lives and leaving footprints in various avenues. Author L.C. Tang traverses through all avenues of the arts starting with Dance, then maturing into Music, Film, Theatre, and Visual Arts. The years of rigorous self-discipline and training as an artist afforded opportunities to further her career beyond the shores and into the cruise industry. For more information visit

An enthralling story of the hidden truths of the cruise industry


Without a doubt this latest and biggest revelation about the cruise industry is the ultimate read for anyone longing for the next vacation at sea. Author L.C.Tang stated in one interview, “This book was written to satiate the appetite of travel enthusiasts, artists, cruise passengers, crew members, and those affiliated and interested in the maritime industry. This story tells of the hidden truths of the cruise industry while providing the crew members a voice to be finally heard.” If one enjoyed the movie “The Titanic”, then this thrilling book of adventure filled with a plethora of tales intertwined with romance, crime, and thrills will surely intrigue every reader. This publication has been well received in every continent and every country where crewmembers are employed in the cruise industry. This heart-warming story will move you to empathize with compassion while coupled with a better understanding of the journey of one individual who survived hardships to fulfill her destiny. There is no medicine or pill to mend a broken spirit or heart and this personal story is an act of survival in the entertainment industry.

Hidden Truths of the Cruise Industry Unveiled


The Untold Tales of a Sailor at Sea is a surprising revelation of the cruise industry that provides an eye-opening perspective into the daily operations and lives of seafarers on passengers' ships. This ultimate read is also an inspiration for every artist in the entertainment industry as it illustrates the tenacity of one who strives with resilience and endurance to overcome obstacles to reach and realize dreams. Author L.C.Tang invites you behind the crew doors and spotlights scenes within the cruise industry. Follow along with this essential cruise companion as it tells of the hidden truths of the cruise industry while providing crewmembers a voice to be finally heard. If one enjoyed the movie "The Titanic", then this thrilling book of adventure filled with a plethora of tales intertwined with suspense, drama, romance, and unsuspecting crime will surely put you on the edge of your seat.During one interview, Author L.C. Tang states "This book was written to satiate the appetite of travel enthusiasts, artists, cruise passengers, crewmembers, and those affiliated and interested in the maritime industry."

Paperback Book Details
  • 10/2020
  • 9781632214270 B08JG4DQ5M
  • 234 pages
  • $16.99
Ebook Details
  • 09/2020
  • 163221427X B08JG4DQ5M
  • 139 pages
  • $7.99
