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The Waiting Dead
Guillermo “Guy” Truman died at the age of fifty. After twenty-five lonely years in Deathway, he gets a call to return to Earth. He is both shocked and angered to hear the voice of his ex-partner, who dumped him for a twenty-one-year-old ten years before he died. He lands in Chicago, where he runs into twelve-year-old potty mouthed Torrance. Torrance died fifteen years before and has been called to Earth by his dad—a man he resents and blames for his death. An unlikely match up, the two agree to accompany each other on their missions. With only three days to accomplish their tasks, they must work around the rules that govern the dead on Earth. During their journey, they discover that death can have as many twists and turns as life—and that, even for the dead, there is something called fate.
