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Paperback Book Details
  • 09/2024
  • 9781965014011 B0D9TYJW61
  • 318 pages
  • $4.99
Jen Sinclair
There's Always a Price
Jen Sinclair, author
When Cassie starts working for her husband’s powerful investor, she’s unaware of the secret deal between the men that has nothing to do with business…and everything to do with her. Artist Cassie Reynolds concludes the neurological damage that destroyed her ability to paint is punishment for too many years of bad choices. At only 36, Cassie believes that every good thing in her life will be followed by something terrible. On top of that, her husband Jason has been hiding how much his business has drained their finances. With foreclosure looming, he takes drastic measures and turns to Lucas Dalton, the powerful investor with a playboy reputation who not only bails Jason out but also offers Cassie an art consultant job. She dives into work, determined to get her life back on track. But the connection she shares with enigmatic Lucas is undeniable, and as they become closer, Cassie suspects there’s more to him than meets the eye. Searching for answers and her place in the world, Cassie uncovers secrets that lead to the ultimate choice: should she chase the life she’s always wanted or give in to her fear that pursuing her dreams will lead to heartbreak and ruin?
Paperback Book Details
  • 09/2024
  • 9781965014011 B0D9TYJW61
  • 318 pages
  • $4.99
