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Paperback Details
  • 00/2023
  • 9781398419476
  • 250 pages
  • $£10.99
eBook Details
  • 00/2023
  • 9781398419483
  • 250 pages
  • $£3.50
Blair Hoffman
They Never Reigned
British kings and queens are famous today. But many heirs to the British throne never became the actual king or queen due to various quirks of fate. This is their story. The stories include the oldest son of William the Conqueror, who lost the chance to become king because he was off fighting in the First Crusade; the White Ship disaster of 1120, England’s medieval Titanic, in which the sole male heir to the throne, and many others, drowned; an intrepid woman who nearly became queen in her own right four centuries before a woman actually did so; two princes who should have become a second King Arthur; the romantic warrior known to history as the Black Prince; the Princes in the Tower, who were supposedly murdered by King Richard III; the ill-fated Mary, Queen of Scots, beheaded by Queen Elizabeth I after an utterly unfair trial; James, who was born the heir and then was overthrown while still a baby, and was later known as the Old Pretender; a beloved Nineteenth Century princess who tragically died in childbirth at the age of 21; and many more.
In this informative debut survey, legal writer and mystery novelist Hoffman (Murder for the Prosecution) profiles heirs who never ascended the British throne. Subjects range across the centuries from William the Conqueror’s oldest son Robert—who in the 1090s instigated multiple insurrections against his father and was eventually defeated and imprisoned by his brother Henry—to Queen Victoria’s grandson, Prince Albert Victor, who never ascended the throne because he was outlived by his grandmother. Each chapter muses on the extent to which the disinheritance or death of an expected heir influenced history. For example, Hoffman speculates about a Tudor England in which Prince Arthur, who died as a teen, survived to reign, leaving Henry VIII as a younger prince with little power over religion and politics, and not the notorious ruler he became. Some stories retain a powerful sense of tragedy, including that of the “Princes in the Tower”—the deposed and murdered 12-year-old king Edward V and his younger brother Richard, who were most likely assassinated by their uncle Richard III—and the happily married 21-year-old Princess Charlotte, who died of complications from childbirth in 1817. Drawn mainly from 20th-century sources (more recent research, especially on royal women, is not as well reflected here), Hoffman’s creative premise offers a unique and entertaining perspective on the British monarchy. It’s worth checking out for royal history buffs. (Self-published)
Richard Waters and Linda Friedman


Richard Waters


As a Brit with an average knowledge of history, I was captivated by this hugely enjoyable romp through an alternative history of the British monarchy. Reading about the Crusades, the Wars of the Roses or the Hundred Years’ War from the perspective of characters who never quite made it to the throne brings a real freshness to events I thought I knew. The “what if’s” are tantalizing: Had it not been for a jousting accident here or a well-timed piece of regicide there (there are far more bloody terminations, civil wars and attempted rebellions than I was ever taught at school), consequential monarchs like Henry VIII and Richard II would never have stamped their mark on history. Hoffman is particularly good at drawing out the women - often brave and long-suffering - whose claims to the throne are woven through a surprising number of these historical episodes. But what really makes this book is how deeply personal it feels: Hoffman cares, and he makes you care, as he draws out his characters. Though he doesn’t stray from the demands of strict scholarship, this willingness to grapple with the historical record enables him to bring to life fascinating figures who would otherwise be lost in the mists of history, like the indomitable Empress Maud and the captivating Princess Charlotte, who died in childbirth at 21. It makes you wonder how different things might have been had these women donned the crown!




I had very high hopes for Blair Hoffman‘s most recent book, and I was certainly thrilled to see that the book justified my expectations! If you are someone who enjoyed “The Crown” on Netflix, or the musical “Six” in the theater, then this backstory, which brings to light a very unusual aspect of British history, is just the thing to immerse oneself in. I really enjoyed the way this book made the “almost reigns” of history come to life, even, occasionally, after more than 1000 years! It also would make a wonderful gift for any Anglophile on your list—I plan to order more copies! Linda Friedman

Book reading

Blair Hoffman, author of They Never Reigned, will give a talk about the book at the Berkeley Breakfast Club on Friday, September 22, 2023, in Berkeley, California.

Paperback Details
  • 00/2023
  • 9781398419476
  • 250 pages
  • $£10.99
eBook Details
  • 00/2023
  • 9781398419483
  • 250 pages
  • $£3.50
