The authors bring a personal touch to the material, threading medical knowledge with pragmatic accounts of family journeys through food allergen treatment planning. The majority of the book is written from the perspective of Elizabeth Muller, a parent of children with extensive food allergies, while her co-authors offer authoritative explanations and guidance, covering both the expected medical information and the emotional and behavioral impacts of living with food allergies. Explanations or types of treatment are quite specific, even about costs, though at times they can be demanding to read. A basic understanding of allergy treatment will be helpful for readers, as some insider language is not always clearly defined, although introductory advice about treatments to avoid and whether to choose a private practice for treatment are welcome, informative, and written in clear and inviting language.
Readers will find encouragement and solidarity within these pages. The authors make clear how complex and emotionally taxing it is to live with food allergies, and they acknowledge that research and treatment can be tedious and demanding. The authors are clear that this book is a companion to professional treatment rather than a substitute, and readers facing a choice of treatments will find themselves equipped with the competency to talk with their doctors about broader plans and the confidence to ask hard questions.
Takeaway: A practical, helpful resource offering straight-talk and facts about treating food allergies.
Great for fans of: Ruchi Gupta’s Food Without Fear, Scott H. Sichere’s Food Allergies.
Production grades
Cover: A-
Design and typography: A
Illustrations: A
Editing: B+
Marketing copy: A