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Catherine Ada Campbell's unusual childhood included summers with her parents in a travelling carnival, waving atop a parade float, and lavish birthday parties. Unlike many of her peers, Campbell knew she had never been abused. But at the age of 34, a chance phone call with her brother shattered everything she thought she knew about her family and her past: her memories were false. true. unfolds across Campbell's 45 years of therapy, medication, research, education and other modalities to uncover the truth of who she is. A memoir of resilience and hope.

Available August 19, 2024 on and in fine book stores everywhere.

Claudia Black, PhD

“true. is captivating and compelling from the start… with vulnerability and bravery, Campbell offers a powerful understanding of the impact of trauma and the journey of finding her own truth.”
 – Claudia Black, PhD.  Author of It Will Never Happen to Me, Unspoken Legacy, Deceived: Facing Sexual Betrayal, Lies, and Secrets

Dr. R. Y. Langham, Author and Psychologist

Written with a raw honesty that is not only frank, but also refreshing, Catherine Campbell shares her inspirational journey from childhood through parenthood and beyond. In her book, true., Catherine provides readers with an inside look at the ups and downs of living with chronic stress, anxiety, depression, a history of child abuse, substance abuse, complex trauma, and OCD – while trying to find love, acceptance, and purpose in a world filled with inconsistencies, lies, and inaccuracies. This deeply descriptive autobiography delves into the possible causes and long-term effects of unimaginable emotional, physical, and sexual pain – pain that can only be lived, not imagined.

What if you thought you knew everything about yourself only to wake up one day, and learn that you really don’t know yourself at all?

true. masterfully makes you question who you are and what you believe.

