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Rick and Jane McKinney
Until The Whole World Knows: A Guide to Sharing Jesus for the Introvert, Extrovert and Jesus Freak
No Matter Who You Are…You Can Share Jesus! Are you ready to confidently and effectively share the gospel of Jesus with others? With "Until the Whole World Knows," you will learn how to overcome fear and make a lasting impression as you share your faith. Get ready to discover new ways to spread the good news and tell the greatest story of all time! Benefits of reading this book: Uncover creative ideas to witness in any situation Discover effective ways to share your faith with confidence Capture the attention of others to make a lasting impression What's included in the book: Creative, fresh ideas for witnessing in different situations Effective ways to tactfully share your faith Illustrations and examples of innovative evangelism ideas This step-by-step how-to manual will help you become the vibrant witness you’ve always wanted to be! Grab your copy of "Until the Whole World Knows" now and equip yourself with the tools to share the gospel of Jesus with confidence.
Amazon Review - Donald Hatton

First of all...Wow!
This was a very eye-opening read for me. There are so many good ideas in this book that I never thought of before. Ideas that have been right in front of me, yet I never saw them before.
The section for the introvert really hit home for me, and I used to be mostly a homebody as well. To be honest, I've found myself in every section of this book at some point in my life.
I find this book to be very helpful and encouraging. I will be using what I've learned here to further the Kingdom of God. Thank you to the authors for your faithfulness and willingness to go forth until the whole world knows.

