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Hardcover Details
  • 06/2024
  • 9798989797707
  • 41 pages
  • $27.99
Wave Makers
Wave Makers: How to Become an Ocean Superhero, is a delightful story that teaches young readers how they can have a meaningful impact on protecting the ocean, even as children. The story follows Dr. Sylvia Earle, legendary oceanographer and explorer, as she visits a classroom and tells the students that the ocean is full of superheroes! That’s right, every organism in sea life has their own special role to play that promotes the amazing interconnectedness of the ocean, its community of sea life, our planet, and its people! Back of book content shares ways kids can make an impact, a glossary of terms used throughout the book, and resources to learn more about the ocean and how to help in its protection. A wonderful toolkit for families and educators of young children looking to encourage early learning and action about ocean conservation and protection.
McGee introduces young readers to legendary oceanographer Dr. Sylvia Earle and fun, fascinating facts about the nature of our seas in this engaging picture book. A young girl and her class meet Dr. Earle, who treats them to an engaging introduction to the oceans—"Did you know that a whopping 71% of our blue planet is covered in water?" she asks, showing off an aqua-blue cape—and some of its "superheroes," such as phytoplankton, “marvelous creatures” not visible to the human eye without a microscope, that produce oxygen. As Dr. Earle dazzles the class with remarkable information about the seas and marine life, she also encourages them to become "Wave Makers” and help protect the oceans by keeping beaches clean and understanding the importance of leaving the wildlife to do their jobs within the web of life. (“WaveMakers” also is the name for a non-profit dedicated to STEM and environmental education.)

Filled with lively illustrations from Anastasiya Halionka that make the pages worth poring over, Wave Makers introduces a host of other underwater heroes, like a bed of smiling, cockeyed oysters who filter pollutants from seawater and stand together “as a team” to block waves. Also exciting: “keystone creatures” like starfish. Halionka’s art, blending classroom and the splendors of marine life, keep the somewhat wordy lecture scenes active and exciting, while a beach outing in the tale’s second half bursts with fun characters that the narrator is moved to protect—and to encourage others to do so, too.

Fun facts like the octopus having three hearts and nine brains will wow young readers and cultivate a deeper interest in what Dr. Earle identifies as the "25 million different types of creatures living in the ocean.” Young children who have an interest in science or STEM programs will find this story inspiring, informative, and a pleasure to page through, making it a strong addition to elementary classrooms.

Takeaway: Exciting introduction to oceanography, conservation, and making a "wave.”

Comparable Titles: Carole Lindstrom's We Are Water Protectors, Michelle Lord's The Mess That We Made.

Production grades
Cover: A
Design and typography: A-
Illustrations: A
Editing: A
Marketing copy: A

Hardcover Details
  • 06/2024
  • 9798989797707
  • 41 pages
  • $27.99
