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Mikel Brown
When Lambs Turn Into Lions
This book, “When Lambs Turn Into Lions,” was written from the depths of my heart for the body of Christ, and every person that will inevitably be conveyed from the kingdom of darkness and into the kingdom of God's dear Son, Jesus. My love for the church that Jesus built is immeasurable, and my desire is to see it rise from its slumber is immense. We are called to be fierce lions in a world consumed by vicious evil men and women, but we must be ready to stand out as a beacon of divine light in a dark world. The church will not lose its resilience and strength under the watch of Spirit-filled and committed believers. The church is gifted to be humble but anointed to be lions in business. We must contend for the faith that was once delivered to the saints. Believers must seek God to be effective in business, commerce, and dominate the economy because true success is rooted in His principles. Jesus exemplified wisdom, integrity, and leadership—qualities that should guide our every decision. The world often steals God's business principles, using concepts like stewardship, diligence, and vision, but leaves God out of the equation. As believers, we are called to integrate His truth into every area of life, not just within the church. We should actively engage in finance and banking, politics, entertainment, medicine, education, and beyond, bringing God's wisdom and influence into every sector, transforming culture with His Kingdom principles.
