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Corey Lyon Folsom
Soul Statements
The award-winning book, Soul Statements: A Love Coach’s Guide to Successful Communication, is a practical guide to increase personal clarity. Each chapter has a wealth of simple, potent tools for upgrading your communication, mindfulness and connection with life. The use of Soul Statements elevates how we talk to ourselves on the inside and the result is a re-calibration of surface thoughts with a person's deeper knowing. This unlocks personal power, joy and certainty. Voted “Best Communication Book of the Year” by Best Holistic Health magazine.
Relationship coach and tantric practitioner Folsom supercharges personal affirmations in this gentle debut, offering readers the skills needed to “upgrade your communication, mindfulness, and connection.” He asserts that “soul statements” don’t equal simple affirmations; rather, they involve channeling your values and true self to direct your thoughts and behaviors. Folsom walks readers through generating their first soul statement, starting with journaling prompts and questions to help clarify, and recommends revisiting that statement each morning and throughout the day. Folsom also urges readers to acknowledge fear without allowing it to control their path, emphasizing instead self-mastery paired with high-empathy, communication-focused relationship building.

Folsom starts strong, outlining how to engage in positive self-talk by using statements that can be applied to any person, such as “I am held in love” and “there is a fire deep in my core.” His ideas on honoring feelings—and the wisdom inherent in our bodies—will resonate with readers eager to believe in themselves, as will his step-by-step, functional methods. One key to making his advice stick is to build “non-negotiable rituals” into daily living—brief activities such as meditation or stretching accompanied by relevant soul statements that he guarantees will take self-care to the next level.

Folsom’s ability to frame his methods in understandable ways—such as the “Stop, Drop, and Roll” strategy to reduce unnecessary distractions and increase silence, or the “Courage to be Clear” relationship technique that involves “speaking up when something feels uncomfortable or off”—makes these tools easy to use and effortless to remember. Though much of his relationship advice centers on romantic partnerships, the guidance is still useful, as Folsom urges readers to acknowledge their loved ones’ experiences, address conflict with respect, and “let go of logic and just be with each other.” This is a soothing reminder that “you have more to offer life when you know who and what you are.”

Takeaway: Empowering guidance to build empathy-driven communication skills.

Comparable Titles: Connirae Andreas’s The Wholeness Work Essential Guide, David Richo’s How to Be an Adult in Relationships.

Production grades
Cover: B+
Design and typography: A
Illustrations: N/A
Editing: A
Marketing copy: A

