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Erin Moulton
The Beginner's Guide to Cemetery Sleuthing

Adult; History & Military; (Market)

Make your next outdoor adventure a historic one!

Let's go to a cemetery. Bring your curiosity and this workbook with you as you walk through those hallowed gates. Get ready to seek out images and symbols-such as death's-heads, soul effigies, beehives, willow trees, and more. Take your time to search, scribble, and sketch. Next, bring this book to the archives to explore the life stories of the local dead. Prepare to discover something old, learn something new, and have fun doing it.

This book includes:

- 11 unique scavenger hunt pages: seek out animals and plants, secret society symbols, epitaphs, and more.

- 1 Cemetery Year Logbook: plan and record your cemetery adventures.

- 1 Local History Challenge: pursue the paper record.

- 8 pages for notes and sketches.

- 20+ interactive pages

- 100+ symbols and abbreviations explained.

Moulton deviates from middle grade fiction to transform the macabre into a cornucopia of history, genealogy, and more in this absorbing guide. “Prepare to discover something old, learn something new, and have fun doing it,” she writes, and from there jumps into the symbols, epitaphs, and monuments found in cemeteries, exploring the deeper meaning behind our memorials to loved ones. Moulton dedicates a bulk of the guide to understanding the markings on tombstones—broken up into categories, from winged death’s-heads to stone carvers to hallmarks of organizations, clubs, and secret societies, among others—but also dives into the history, both on a personal and societal level, of graveyards, headstones, and “days gone by.”

Readers will find this entertaining, interactive, and, above all, respectful, as Moulton honors burying practices throughout, encouraging readers to observe the hushed reverence that shrouds cemeteries—and even offering suggestions on how to get involved in historical tracking and preservation. Her analysis of the meaning behind common gravesite symbols is particularly intriguing, as readers will learn the ins and outs of the “fine art” behind stone carving, why a weeping willow was often used on headstones as a symbol of immortality, and the different interpretations of hands used in cemetery engravings.

What’s most appealing in Moulton’s guide are the interactive activities she includes, ranging from scavenger hunts for recurring symbols to space for readers to record their favorite epitaphs. Her emphasis on cemeteries as a wealth of historical information is eye-opening, and she offers a local history challenge for readers to research headstones that catch their attention. Black and white photographs of various markers and monuments dot the pages, rooting Moulton’s in-depth analysis in dramatic visual imagery, while appendices offer opportunities for further sleuthing, including typical symbols, abbreviations, and potential archives to “make your research more exciting.”

Takeaway: Interactive guide that makes cemetery exploration interesting and engaging.

Comparable Titles: Loren Rhoads’s 199 Cemeteries to See Before You Die, Greg Melville’s Over My Dead Body.

Production grades
Cover: B+
Design and typography: A
Illustrations: A
Editing: A-
Marketing copy: A

