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  • Angels and Avalon

    by Catherine Milos
    Fed up with the antics of gods and their wars, the Archangel Gabriel takes refuge in a secret paradise. The only condition, he must protect Goddess’ treasure. Driven by pride and darkness, Lucifer aims to dethrone God. Avalon is the perfect place of power and Adamina is the key. Reincarnated, Adamina and Gabriel desperately try to find each other and stop Lucifer. But a soul can only take so much. Elizabeth McAllistar wants a new life free of Angels and Avalon. Will she be able to overc... more
  • Devil Kin

    by Stephanie Ellis
    Darkness comes in different forms: in the mischief of the supernatural, in the evil of demonic spirits, or in the greed and selfishness of humans themselves. Regardless of where it comes from, its proponents are all 'devil kin'. From gothic to post-apocalyptic to vampiric folk horror, the kin are waiting in this collection of short stories.
  • Bottled

    by Stephanie Ellis
    Tyler has inherited his late grandfather's house, a home filled with bad memories and nightmares from his childhood. He returns hoping to learn the truth of his grandfather's secrets, especially the secret of the 'impossible bottles' and what lay beyond the black door. The door through which he was never allowed to enter as a child. But returning to the house is a mistake. It doesn't take long for Tyler to realize the hold the house has over him, and that he is a prisoner of the ancestral cur... more
  • Reborn

    by Stephanie Ellis

    Return to the Weald, the world Stephanie Ellis introduced us to in The Five Turns of the Wheel.

    Reborn is the story of Cernunnos, the Father of all, who has risen. Born of blood offerings, he travels to the Layerings—one of those places, like Umbra, which sit just beyond the human veil.

    Reborn is the story of Tommy, Betty and Fiddler, the infamous troupe whose bloody rituals were halted by Megan, Tommy’s Daughter. Rendered weak by Megan’s refusal to allow them to... more

  • Pulstar I: The Swan Barely Remembers (Pulstarverse Book 1)

    by Giancarlo Roversi
    Three strangers who share a forgotten past confront a vengeance they incited when their bodies weren't human. "Pulstar I is a fantastic opening to what promises to be a stellar sci-fi trilogy." ★★★★★ - Readers' Favorite "The depth to which Giancarlo Roversi takes this book cannot be compared to anything I've read so far. I really, truly recommend this book." ★★★★★ - Goodreads "I cannot wait to enjoy more cinematic thriller delights from this talented author." ★★★★★ Readers' Favorite ... more
  • The Secret Humankind: An Urban Fantasy Thriller (The Discoveries of Julia Xero Book 1)

    by Gloria Oliver
    She keeps her head down and cleans up messes. When the body count starts rising, will trying to make a living get her flushed? Julia Xero is stuck in survival mode. After losing the only person she loved, the introverted orphan longs to escape her toxic employment for the zen of crime and trauma scene decontamination. But when she lands her dream job and is called to a bloody rooftop with a decapitated corpse, she’s horrified to come face to face with an otherworldly shark-toothed assassin. ... more

    by MBTTECh Serv

    MBT (Modern Building Technologies - Technical Services LLC) is a leading building materials company in Dubai for commercial and residential properties in the UAE. With a portfolio of cutting-edge solutions and a commitment to customer satisfaction, MBT helps clients achieve their goals of increased efficiency, reduced costs, and improved sustainability.

  • Farlands (The Antlands Series Book 3)

    by Genevieve Morrissey

    On the run, fourteen-year-old Claire Dunn has a problem.

    Her mother is…gone. Claire doesn’t know where. Her sailor father is at sea. And now, just by accident, she’s killed her only other living relative, her abusive Aunt Jane, in a fight. Murderers are hanged in Fortress City. Until Claire’s own injuries have healed enough to allow her to slip away to sea to find her father, she needs to hide. A secret room in the town library seems to provide an ideal refuge—until the... more

  • Bisentient

    by Patrick O'Connor
    Aliens are influencing world events, through an alternate reality, the Realm. Mason Plater accidentally discovers this and also stumbles on a secret global organisation, a dangerous cult-leader heading for high office in the US and an alien machine being built that could threaten life on earth. Along with some unlikely allies he must fight to thwart the aliens.
  • Shadows of Sacrifice

  • Earth's Ecocide: Desperation 2647

    by David A. Collier
    READER'S FAVORITE REVIEW “Earth’s Ecocide: Desperation 2647 by David A. Collier is an insightful, haunting work of science fiction for our times. Set in the year 2647, a mysterious entity comes to Earth to try to save the planet from itself—with climate change being the focal point. . . . This story unfolds through a Parisian family, and it is through them that we live this story and hope for their survival, and the survival of Earth’s inhabitants. All of the familiar constructs have failed, an... more
  • The Quantum Entanglement Party: Adventures of the Miso Mice

    by Annette Czech Kopp
    Oh no! The treasure chest and magical button are gone! Did the nefarious Lobsta Clamdestino steal them? Without them, will the Miso Mice be able to complete their quest to find The Answer Book? Explore more of their crazy and magical adventures as the Miso Mice attend a very entangled party, receive the rare gift of Tem-E-Laks, and then go timewalking! Enjoy the next fantastical volume in the “Adventures of the Miso Mice” 5-star acclaimed series.
  • The Glass Frog

    by J. Brandon Lowry
    With its charming cast and enchanting world, The Glass Frog is a fairy tale that follows a pair of orphaned siblings on their journey toward a brighter tomorrow -- even if it means confronting a dark and bitter past.
  • The Contessa of Mostul Ûbar

    by L. James Rice
    Awaking from death was just the beginning of Poleen’s troubles. A good girl from an idyllic country village shouldn’t find herself in a dark forest dead. But when her broken neck mysteriously heals, violence erupts, and she stands over her killer’s body wondering if she was such a good girl after all. With her brother killed and her mother taken prisoner by a powerful trade guild, the source of her troubles points to a box of cigars. Exotic and rare, no doubt, but it wasn’t worth her life.... more
  • Year of the Four Emperors

    by K. A. Khan

    It is 1001 Anno Rex, and the emperor of the Empire of Kristianborg, the tyrannical Severus Valentinian, has been assassinated.

    Severus leaves behind four sons, each born by a different queen consort—but without declaring an heir before his death, the throne lies vacant. Zeno, Andronikos, Leo, and Commodus all covet the illustrious title of emperor. However, they will need the support of the Council of Archons and the power of the Yeneceri army—the most prominent, most formidable soldier... more

  • Division: The Chronicles of the Fallen States of America

    by Brad Norris
    2078 - the Earth’s temperature is two degrees warmer. A genetic mutation that began in 2020 has rendered men blind and cognitively diminished. They are distinguished by their luminous blue eyes and their nonsensical babble that often holds mysterious insight. Women are in charge of not only civilization, but the species. Years of struggle resulting from the collapse of the United States have only been made worse by the increasingly hostile climate. A fragile peace exists but the powerful norther... more
