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Science, Nature, Technology

  • What Is Divine Energy: The Power of Managing The Science of Everything by Vipin Gupta

    by Chick Lit Café - Book Reviews & Promotion SERVICES
    “What is divine energy” is an incredibly profound but straightforward exposition of the “science of everything.” In this landmark work, Dr. Vipin Gupta begins with the investigation of the quintessential questions for understanding divine energy and managing life joyfully. Who am I? What is the soul? What is the spirit? Who is God? What is religion? What is the purpose of our life? What happens after death? Do we become a star as children’s books tell us? What is dark matter? What is black ... more
  • Evil Robots, Killer Computers, and Other Myths: The Truth About AI and the Future of Humanity

    by Steven Shwartz
    Today’s artificial intelligence systems are miracles of modern engineering. They can drive cars, recognize faces, translate languages, and enable us to talk to our smartphones. This amazing progress leads many of us to wonder where it will all end. Will intelligent robots usurp all our jobs or take over the world? This book separates the facts from the tropes of apocalyptic science fiction and explains •\thow AI really works in simple terms and why it cannot evolve into the AI of science... more
