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  • Serventa of Motherega

    by Hedley Griffin
    The history of Motherega, known as "The Jewel of the Universe", describes the beginnings of our Universe at The Great Battle (Mankind calls the Big Bang), through to the destruction of the civilisation, about five million years ago. When did the Big Bang occur? No-one knows exactly but it was some billions of years ago, but one thing is certain; it was not the beginnings of the Universe. The Universe existed before but in a different state, before the Natural Law, the Law of the Universe as it i... more
  • Serventa, Shadow of the Light

    by Hedley Griffin
    A fantasy, offering knowledge and wisdom from a unique spiritual source in an entertaining story based on old mythology about the Loch Ness monster. One cold, miserable night on a Scottish beach Serventa is met by Beira, Queen of the Winter, and is challenged in a confrontation that eventually takes Beira home to the Light, but meanwhile the Storm Kelpies, the Blue Men of the Minch, also witness the event and want to cause trouble. Serventa is then given the task of rescuing Nessa, one of Beira... more
  • Praying the Word of Grace: The Revival of a Grieving Father's Soul Through the Simple Practice of Scripture-Based Prayer

    by Jonah Priour
    When I lost my only son, and had no words left to pray, the Word of God spoke for me. This book is overflowing with God’s grace, through personal stories, revelations, and a devotional treasure chest of 31 in-depth Scripture-crafted prayers.
  • Two Stitches and a Patch: Overcoming Grief through the Power of Faith

    by Robert Lofthouse
    We are witnessing a crisis in the Christian community of unresolved grief and pain. Not acknowledging the truth of death holds us back from fully enjoying the divine gifts of hope and happiness. If anyone can model the ability to live with joy after life, it’s Job. Two Stitches and a Patch builds on the seven movements of Job’s restored happiness while filling in the pieces of the divine action physics that leads to life after death. We help you build confidence to lean in and listen to th... more
  • God Plants a Garden: A Different Kind of Love Story

    by Buck Elder

    God Plants a Garden: A Different Kind of Love Story spans seventeen chapters, drawing its essence from Genesis 1:1 through 2:3. Offering a distinctive narrative, the book ventures into uncharted territory, presenting the creation story from a first-person perspective—God's own. It invites readers to traverse the journey of creation alongside the divine, fostering an appreciation for the intricacies of God's garden. Through this exploration, readers might discover an une... more

  • GoldenRuleism/Living A GoldenRuleism-Guided Life

    by Craig Cline

    GoldenRuleism is truly an idea whose time has come.

    GoldenRuleism is the evolutionary elevation of the age-old Golden Rule known to and respected by billions of people the world over.  

    GoldenRuleism's Two Principal Principles serve us all -- giving us the common bond we'll use to "Move the Needle of Humanity Towards Humane-ity" -- anywher... more

  • Live & Learn: A Retiree's Guide to Keep Going

    by Clint Adams

    Written for near-retirees seeking purpose at a time when careers come to a close, Live & Learn aims to spark value in lessons learned (life's true purpose). Filled with anecdotes, advice and exercises in an easy-to-read, conversational style, this self-help guide provides answers when readers ask, "What's next?"

  • Soul Road: The Journey Home

    by Joseph R Canuel

    Soul Road is a spiritual book of 370 poems, written as a way for us all to share more quality time with God, and to draw closer to God as they travel along their own spiritual journey, their very own soul road. At the bottom of each page, a Bible verse has been placed with the prayer that this verse moves your heart to open God’s Holy Word, possibly for the first time! “I know that there are quite a few devotionals to choose from, but this book is completely different.

    Every... more

  • Taking Back the Gospel

    by Nancy Golden
    The Second Greatest Commandment (Matthew 22:36-40) tells us to love our neighbors as ourselves, and The Great Commission (Matthew 28:16-20) tells us to go and make disciples. By combining these two commandments from our Lord, we are able to share our faith with those around us in a natural way. In the pages of this book, you’ll find ways you can share the Gospel that are both comfortable for you and effective. Since it is all about sharing the love of Christ by building relationships with tho... more
  • Taking Back Advent

    by Nancy Golden
    The beginning of Advent marks the first day of the Christian calendar and is a period of anticipation and preparation for the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ. This Advent devotional may be the perfect way to keep the miracle of Christmas in our days. In these pages you will find an easy-to-understand book that is intentionally not very long, so you can savor each reading in a short period of time. I think you will find it very convenient to fit this devotional into even the busiest of schedules, ... more
  • Taking Back Lent

    by Nancy Golden
    This Lenten devotional may be the perfect way to help us reflect on what we can do to lead holy lives while bringing hope to our days. In these pages you will find an easy-to-understand book that is intentionally not very long, so you can savor each reading in a short period of time. You will find it very convenient to fit this devotional into even the busiest of schedules, yet it will help you experience the peace and hope that this special season brings. The daily readings and activities will ... more
  • Miracle at Angels Bend

    by R Christian Bohlen
    Four people encounter a mysterious book. Their lives will never be the same. A budding musician living in the fast lane. An aspiring missionary using opioids to cope with family loss. A husband grappling with his marriage to a mentally ill spouse. An outspoken journalist in love with a married man. The topic of this mystery book? The life and teachings of Jesus Christ. Through the historically accurate life of Christ, these modern-day disciples in crisis experience unforeseeable miracles ... more
  • Catholic Church? Why Not?: Diaries of a Modern Priest

    by John Scissons
    This is a fictionalized account of journal entries of a newly ordained Catholic priest in a small rural community in western Canada. He became a priest in mid-life after being married to his childhood sweetheart, studying social work at university, worki...
  • Two Fuckers Playing Chess Using Us As The Pawns, THE EGO IS A NARCISSIST: Breaking Away From The Entity That Controls You

    by Sharon Francis
    There is No Heaven or Hell, We do Not die - We come Back! Those of You who think you are Awake - 'woke’, are merely Playing! The Physical and Spiritual Laws That Govern Humanity on This Planet. This book is about the 'Process' required to exit this 3- dimensional existence we believe to be reality. We do not belong here! you already know that too! you wouldn’t have found this Book otherwise. We have become trapped here, not against our will but, in spite of our Will! by a Custodian entity... more
  • Dinner at God's House

    by Todd B. Lieman

    What kind of life is possible when you finally learn to forgive, trust, and love yourself?

    Erik Bernstein wasn’t afraid of death. He was afraid of life. He battled with inadequacy and the feeling that he never belonged. He became an expert at deflecting intimacy to mask his shame, lies, self-doubt, and bad choices. From the time he was eleven years old, or even younger, death was never far from his mind. Needless to say, death was front of mind as he sat ... more

  • The Mystery of Time Is Who You Are

    by Elizabeth Upton

    Being a human means living in a cycle of suffering and joy, failure and success, rejection and acceptance. Yet, finding the strength to maintain that faith, motivation, and gained wisdom requires us to accept that much of life is mysterious and beyond our control or understanding.

    To find true peace and happiness, we must give up the constant frustration of trying to know the unknowable or control the uncontrollable. “The Mystery of Time is Who You Are” is a deep and pr... more

