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Srianthi Perera
A Maiden's Prayer

Adult; General Fiction (including literary and historical); (Market)

A Maiden's Prayer examines Sri Lankan beliefs in the power of astrology and the role an individual’s character plays in precipitating destiny. It centers on an extended family trying to marry off a rich male relative. Berty Rajakaruna debates whether marriage is worth the price of reclaiming his inherited estate from the clutches of his scheming sister. The estate is special because it was founded by an ancestor who was a Mudaliyar, comparable to a country squire, under British rule. The novel’s teenage narrator, Tamara, is herself navigating a tricky path from childhood to adulthood. Her voice injects warmth and wit into the story she tells about her uncle, who spurns a traditional, arranged marriage and subsequently meets his destiny. More themes include coming-of-age traditions, Buddhism and the turbulent political climate of 1970s Sri Lanka.
