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Ebook Details
  • 09/2024
  • 979-8391292708
  • 62 pages
  • $10
Alexis karpouzos
The global language of poetry of Alexis Karpouzos, by following the paths of wisdom, is a vehicle for transmitting human knowledge and values, history, ancient traditions, and links with nature. It transmits the human values and worldly knowledge that are essential for opening ourselves to the Other. Poetic creation, therefore, forges very strong links between humans -it transcends beyond languages, beliefs and cultures. Each poem appears in its original form, in a vibrant celebration of life, diversity, language, and the enduring power of poetry. At a time when the Humanities are under threat, this book offers a defense of poetry within the context of growing interest in mindfulness in spirituality, in consciousness, in art, in education. Alexis karpouzos (born on April 09, 1967) is a philosopher, author, spiritual master and pioneer of higher consciousness. He is author of several books on philosophy, metaphysics, spirituality, modern science. His most famous books are: ‘’Universal consciousness’’, ‘’non-duality’’, ‘’An ocean of souls’’, ‘’Beyond the heaven’’. Alexis Karpouzos is also a recording artist. He has recorded two music albums and twenty-four singles songs. He has also appeared in two documentary films, television and radio productions. He is the pioneer of the post-ontology consciousness and the wisdom of universal wholeness. The global language of poetry of Alexis Karpouzos, by following the paths of wisdom, is a vehicle for transmitting human knowledge and values, history, ancient traditions, and links with nature. It transmits the human values and worldly knowledge that are essential for opening ourselves to the Other. Poetic creation, therefore, forges very strong links between humans -it transcends beyond languages, beliefs and cultures. Each poem appears in its original form, in a vibrant celebration of life, diversity, language, and the enduring power of poetry. At a time when the Humanities are under threat, this book offers a defense of poetry within the context of growing interest in mindfulness in spirituality, in consciousness, in art, in education

There are times when the complexities of life may drain us, making life a dreadful solo journey. But one read of  each poem from Alexis karpouzos can make you feel comfortable assuring that it needn’t be a solo journey while He is by your side..

Karpouzos brings in the beauty and joy of having an honest relationship with whole creation through his lines effortlessly and efficiently.

Ebook Details
  • 09/2024
  • 979-8391292708
  • 62 pages
  • $10
