Alexis karpouzos is a reflective thinker in whom; reason and reflection are subordinated to imagination and education. His philosophical views are caught up in his spiritual vision and held captive is his poetic creation. The spirit of his poetry is the spirit of his life. Both poetry and philosophy are the mirrors of life, not at its surface but at to deepest and the best side of it. Tagore says, poetry should not just be an expression of ones feeling but a creation of form. That means the basis of true and great poetry should be a creation and not a copy; a vision and not an imitation; a painting and not a photograph. The poet recreates the vision which the philosopher sees. Hence philosophy lives in poetry. In the opinion of Tennyson for the spread of philosophy and true knowledge nothing is so good a medium as poetry. That may be the reason for Alexis karpouzos to become first and foremost a poet.
The philosophical aspects like the immortality of soul, yearning of the soul for its freedom, assurance of the perfect dawn of knowledge for the spirit to awaken into, etc. have been picturesquely brought is the analogy of odour and the bud, This shows that there is as mush beauty as of philosophical vision to consider him both as a prophet and a poet. All his poems point to this end, whatever may be their immediate subject. His achievement as a poet and an artist is equally the same as those of a philosopher as his words are fused into beauty, love and the realization of univerese.